Scenario Design Tutorials

This tutorial must be run with the Scenario Editor and not the game engine.

The purpose of the PlayersDB Scenario Design Tutorial Battleset is to familiarize users with the scenario creation process through the commands found under the Edit pull-down menu of the Scenario Editor. Users of these Scenario Design Tutorials are presumed to have already completed the nine Original Tutorial Lessons included with the Complete PlayersDB Library.

For this Tutorial, ensure that both the ClassRestrictionByCountry and ClassRestrictionByTime options have been disabled when the Scenario Editor is started. Otherwise, results will be erroneous for these Tutorial Lessons. These options can be found and modified in the Harpoon3.ini file by any text editor or disabled by the respective H3, ANW, or HUE Launchers under the Game Preferences tab.

To start a tutorial lesson, select the desired lesson by clicking on the lesson name in the Scenario Name List. A description will appear here in the text box you are now reading. When you have read the lesson description, press the OK button. The Side Selection dialog box will appear. In all of the tutorial lessons, choose “Good Guys” as your side. It is a good idea to review the text for a lesson before actually loading the lesson scenario. Open the Windows >> Orders screen and keep it open throughout every Lesson

* Lesson 41 Planning and Design
* Lesson 42 Map Generation
* Lesson 43 Creating Sides
* Lesson 44 Setting Postures
* Lesson 45 Creating an Air Base
* Lesson 46 Adding Base Aircraft
* Lesson 47 Adding Ships
* Lesson 48 Alternate Start Points
* Lesson 49 Missions
* Lesson 50 Victory Condition Levels
* Lesson 51 ViCond Parameters
* Lesson 52 ViCond Protect
* Lesson 53 ViCond Station
* Lesson 54 ViCond Protect Station
* Lesson 55 Show All
* Lesson 56 Rebuild Function
* Lesson 57 Writing Orders
* Lesson 58 Batch Rebuild [ANW]
* Lesson 59 Sonar Conditions [HUE]
* Lesson 60 Class Restrictions

Additional assistance may be found at:

H3 Tutorial
ANW Tutorial

Harpoon3.6.3 users can get the:
Complete PlayersDB Harpoon 3.6.3 Library

Harpoon ANW users can get the:
Complete PlayersDB Harpoon ANW Library

Harpoon HUE users can get the:
Complete PlayersDB Harpoon HUE Library