* Known Harpoon [ANW] Issues

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* Known Harpoon [ANW] Issues

Postby Herman Hum » Sat Feb 14, 2009 11:43 pm

Weapon never hits in 394 II

Weapons that hit in 3.9.3 will never hit target in 3.9.4 (Originally reported by Juramentado)

1. Run [USN] Weapon never hits II (3.9.4).scn in GE 3.9.3
2. Fire Netfire missiles at any ship from USS Freedom
3. Weapons will hit target
4. Run [USN] Weapon never hits II (3.9.4).scn in GE 3.9.4
5. Fire Netfire missiles at any ship from USS Freedom
6. Weapons will never hit target
[USN] Weapon never hits II (3.9.4).zip
(86.59 KiB) Downloaded 2252 times
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Herman Hum
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* Known Harpoon [ANW] Issues

Postby Herman Hum » Sat Feb 14, 2009 11:47 pm

Crash from fatal mount error

Crash from fatal mount error when trying to load scenario

1. Load [Y2k] Crash from fatal mount error (3.9.4).scn into SE with Y2kDB v10.0.0
2. Crash with [Y2k] Crash from fatal mount error (3.9.4).gif error message
[Y2k] Crash from fatal mount error (3.9.4).zip
(363.75 KiB) Downloaded 2474 times
[Y2k] Crash from fatal mount error (3.9.4).gif
[Y2k] Crash from fatal mount error (3.9.4).gif (4.1 KiB) Viewed 54182 times
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Herman Hum
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* Known Harpoon [ANW] Issues

Postby Herman Hum » Sun Feb 15, 2009 12:42 am

Group Communication Centre message

Group report shows "Group Communication Centre" after the first unit within the group

1. Load [PDb] Group Communication Centre message (3.9.4).scn in GE
2. Group report shows "Group Communication Centre" after the first unit within the group

[Edit] Erroneous report. Cosmetic change implemented in 3.9.4
[PDb] Group Communication Centre message (3.9.4).zip
(16.7 KiB) Downloaded 2450 times
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Herman Hum
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* Known Harpoon [ANW] Issues

Postby Herman Hum » Mon Mar 02, 2009 11:28 pm

Nuke yields minimalized

200kton Siren missile on the Charlie sub only destroys targets within half a mile and does damage up to 2 miles (5%). In 3.6 it did damage up to 15 miles (1%). By my estimation, the range of effects on ships and ground targets is down by factor ten compared to 3.6 (Originally reported by Freek Schepers)

1. Run [PDb] Nuke yields minimalized (3.9.4).scn in SE
2. Order Charlie II to launch Siren [N] at Runway facility
3. Only Runway facility will be destroyed. Other units will sustain no collateral damage.
4. Significant damage will be sustained to all facilities in H3
5. Order Charlie II to launch Siren [N] at Norbrega
6. Few surrounding tankers will sustain damage. Most tankers will be destroyed in H3
[PDb] Nuke yields minimalized (3.9.4).zip
(41.46 KiB) Downloaded 2344 times
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Herman Hum
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* Known Harpoon [ANW] Issues

Postby Herman Hum » Mon Mar 02, 2009 11:42 pm

File-Save uses original scenario name

Once a saved game name was used, the File Save command should have simply used it and overwritten the previous saved game file. Instead, a new Saved game file is created using the original *.SCN name as a prefix and *.SAV suffix. (Originally reported by Morphin)

1. Load any scenario file in GE (SE works properly)
2. Order File >> Save As command
3. Save As dialogue window appears
4. Save game under any name
5. Order File >> Save command
6. New saved game file is created with using the original scenario name as a prefix and *.SAV as a suffix
[PDb] File-Save uses original scenario name (3.9.4).zip
(555 Bytes) Downloaded 2379 times
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Herman Hum
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* Known Harpoon [ANW] Issues

Postby Herman Hum » Mon Mar 02, 2009 11:46 pm

Ferry mission traps plane upon expiration

P-2H Neptune displays assignment to "A Mission" and cannot be re-assigned to any other mission

1. Run [PDb] Ferry mission traps plane upon expiration (3.9.4).scn in GE
2. Create Ferry mission to Port Stanley group
3. Assign 2 Mirage III CJ and P-2H Neptune to mission
4. Mirage will land and mission will expire
5. P-2H Neptune will continue display assignment to "A Mission" and cannot be re-assigned to any other mission
[PDb] Ferry mission traps plane upon expiration (3.9.4).zip
(154.09 KiB) Downloaded 2314 times
[PDb] Ferry mission traps plane upon expiration (3.9.4).gif
[PDb] Ferry mission traps plane upon expiration (3.9.4).gif (2.51 KiB) Viewed 54193 times
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Herman Hum
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* Known Harpoon [ANW] Issues

Postby Herman Hum » Wed Mar 04, 2009 2:18 am

Crash server while starting MP game

Scenario and server will crash after 30 seconds

1. Setup MP server in a reduced window with PDb Falklands battleset
2. Enable options:


3. Log onto server with Client via IP direct connection in reduced window and options:


4. Create session
5. Select Falklands battleset
6. Load SeaKing to Chile scenario and select UK side
7. Start scenario
8. Game clock will not advance and both scenario and server will crash after 30 seconds
[PDb] Crash server while starting MP game (3.9.4).zip
(95.88 KiB) Downloaded 2373 times
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Herman Hum
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* Known Harpoon [ANW] Issues

Postby Herman Hum » Wed Mar 04, 2009 2:19 am

Crash starting MP session

Scenario never finishes loading and crashes server

1. Log onto AoA's MP Server with following options enabled for client:


2. Create session
3. Select Lone Wolf from Stand-alone battleset
4. Scenario never finishes loading and crashes server
[PDb] Crash starting MP session (3.9.4).zip
(482 Bytes) Downloaded 2346 times
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Herman Hum
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* Known Harpoon [ANW] Issues

Postby Herman Hum » Wed Mar 04, 2009 2:21 am

Re-build cancels intermittent EmCon

Units starting with Intermittent Sonar EmCon setting will be re-set to zero after scenario is re-built with ScenEdit

1. Run [PDb] Re-build cancels intermittent EmCon (3.9.4).scn in SE from USN Screen side
2. All vessels start with Intermittent Sonar EmCon setting
3. Re-build and save scenario with SE
4. Run [PDb] Re-build cancels intermittent EmCon (3.9.4).scn in GE from USN Screen side
5. Radar will be active, but Intermittent Sonar settings and ECM are lost
[PDb] Re-build cancels intermittent EmCon (3.9.4).zip
(45.96 KiB) Downloaded 2296 times
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Herman Hum
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* Known Harpoon [ANW] Issues

Postby Herman Hum » Wed Mar 04, 2009 2:22 am

Sub accelerates to cruise speed when plotted

Sub immediately goes to 14kts (cruise speed) and not Creep Speed (5kts) or 0 kts when plotted path entered (Originally reported by JChiecchio)

1. Load [PDb] Sub accelerates to cruise speed when plotted (3.9.4).scn in GE
2. Sub starts at 0kts.
3. While on pause, Order sub to Cruise speed
4. Then Order sub to 0kt speed
5. Start game
6. Plot a path for the sub
7. Sub immediately goes to 14kts (cruise speed) and not Creep Speed (5kts) or 0 kts.
[PDb] Sub accelerates to cruise speed when plotted (3.9.4).zip
(38.2 KiB) Downloaded 2390 times
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Herman Hum
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* Known Harpoon [ANW] Issues

Postby Herman Hum » Thu Mar 05, 2009 11:52 am

CTD changing map size II

CTD occurs while changing size of formation editor

1. Uncheck "Default Window Scheme"
2. Load [PDb] CTD changing map size II (3.9.4).scn
3. Select TF 02
4. Open Formation Editor
5. Zoom out as far as possible by holding down the X-hotkey. Range circles become elongated.
6. Maximize Formation Editor
7. Minimize Formation Editor
8. CTD

Crash information for this process:
A crash occurred at address:
The thread used up its stack.

For address: 0x446028 :
No debug information available
For address: 0x5e5709 :
No debug information available
For address: 0x444aa6 :
No debug information available
For address: 0x43fd9c :
No debug information available
For address: 0x444aa6 :
No debug information available
For address: 0x5e5e5c :
No debug information available
For address: 0x443199 :
No debug information available
For address: 0x4f9550 :
No debug information available
For address: 0x442870 :
No debug information available
For address: 0x4f9b72 :
No debug information available
[PDb] CTD changing map size II (3.9.4).zip
(45.14 KiB) Downloaded 2308 times
[PDb] CTD changing map size II (3.9.4).gif
[PDb] CTD changing map size II (3.9.4).gif (8.58 KiB) Viewed 54160 times
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Herman Hum
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* Known Harpoon [ANW] Issues

Postby Herman Hum » Sun Mar 08, 2009 1:04 am

Mount displays incorrect load

SAM missile mount shows only 1/4 weapons loaded when it can clearly be seen that 4 weapons are loaded

1. Load [PDb] Mount displays incorrect load (3.9.4).scn in GE
2. Select side Two
3. Select PCM Tarantul II Rus 79
4. Open Logisitics
5. SAM missile mount shows only 1/4 weapons loaded when it can clearly be seen that 4 weapons are loaded

[EDIT] Erroneous report. Mount incorrectly created as multi-mount.
[PDb] Mount displays incorrect load (3.9.4).zip
(25.36 KiB) Downloaded 2447 times
[PDb] Mount displays incorrect load (3.9.4).gif
[PDb] Mount displays incorrect load (3.9.4).gif (4.99 KiB) Viewed 54169 times
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Herman Hum
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* Known Harpoon [ANW] Issues

Postby Herman Hum » Sun Mar 08, 2009 1:06 am

Weapons unaccounted for in WeaponStatus

Weapons Status log will display discprepancies between weapons fired launched and their fate

1. Run [PDb] Weapons unaccounted for in WeaponStatus (3.9.4).scn in GE
2. Allow scen to run for about 1 hr game time
3. Save game and Weapons Status log will display discprepancies like:

FileName: .\Arena\weapon.cpp
LineNumber: 5499
SS-N-22 Moskit-M [Mod]
8 Launched
3 Hit
1 Missed
[PDb] Weapons unaccounted for in WeaponStatus (3.9.4).zip
(20.94 KiB) Downloaded 2389 times
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Herman Hum
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* Known Harpoon [ANW] Issues

Postby Herman Hum » Wed Mar 11, 2009 9:02 am

UnRep not possible in MP

CVH will rendezvous with ship and player can order weapons for transfer, but none will be moved over (Originally reported by Freek Schepers)

1. Run [PDb] UnRep not possible in MP (3.9.4).scn in GE from Royal Navy side on MP Server
2. Order Invincible to undergo UnRep with RFA Fort Austin
3. CVH will rendezvous with ship and player can order weapons for transfer, but none will be moved over
[PDb] UnRep not possible in MP (3.9.4).zip
(173.29 KiB) Downloaded 2444 times
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Harpoon3 Frequently Asked Questions
Herman Hum
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* Known Harpoon [ANW] Issues

Postby Herman Hum » Wed Mar 11, 2009 9:14 am

Weapon never hits

Weapons that hit in 3.9.3 will never hit target in 3.9.4

1. Run [Y2k] Weapon never hits (3.9.4).scn in GE 3.9.3
2. Fire weapons at target.
3. Weapons will hit target.
4. Run [Y2k] Weapon never hits (3.9.4).scn in GE 3.9.4
5. Fire weapons at target
6. Weapons will never hit target
[Y2k] Weapon never hits (3.9.4).zip
(38.46 KiB) Downloaded 2310 times
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Harpoon3 Frequently Asked Questions
Herman Hum
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