* Known Harpoon [ANW] Issues

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* Known Harpoon [ANW] Issues

Postby Herman Hum » Sat Feb 14, 2009 11:15 pm

Superfluous line in display

Superfluous blank line appears in weapons display for loadout list

1. Superfluous blank line appears in weapons display for loadout list
2. [PDb] Superfluous line in display 1 (3.9.4).gif is the display from 3.9.3
3. [PDb] Superfluous line in display 2 (3.9.4).gif is the display from 3.9.4 and shows a blank line after the Ready Time for the loadout
[PDb] Superfluous line in display (3.9.4).zip
(4.63 KiB) Downloaded 1765 times
[PDb] Superfluous line in display 2 (3.9.4).gif
[PDb] Superfluous line in display 2 (3.9.4).gif (2.31 KiB) Viewed 47092 times
[PDb] Superfluous line in display 1 (3.9.4).gif
[PDb] Superfluous line in display 1 (3.9.4).gif (2.35 KiB) Viewed 47096 times
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Herman Hum
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* Known Harpoon [ANW] Issues

Postby Herman Hum » Sat Feb 14, 2009 11:17 pm

Super-imposed Tutorial menu

Tutorial menu has items super-imposed on one another

1. Call up Tutorial menu in the GE
2. Menu looks like [PDb] Super-imposed Tutorial menu 1 (3.9.4).gif
3. Menu should look like [PDb] Super-imposed Tutorial menu 2 (3.9.4).gif

Issued resolved in 3.9.4 Release
[PDb] Super-imposed Tutorial menu (3.9.4).zip
(8.06 KiB) Downloaded 1838 times
[PDb] Super-imposed Tutorial menu 2 (3.9.4).gif
[PDb] Super-imposed Tutorial menu 2 (3.9.4).gif (3.88 KiB) Viewed 47092 times
[PDb] Super-imposed Tutorial menu 1 (3.9.4).gif
[PDb] Super-imposed Tutorial menu 1 (3.9.4).gif (4.23 KiB) Viewed 47103 times
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Herman Hum
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* Known Harpoon [ANW] Issues

Postby Herman Hum » Sat Feb 14, 2009 11:18 pm

Time compression cancels attack

Enemy flight appears on screen and circles, but never attacks unless time compression is increased before start of scenario

1. Run [PDb] Time compression cancels attack (3.9.4).scn in GE
2. Enemy flight appears on screen and circles, but never attacks.
3. Re-run [PDb] Time compression cancels attack (3.9.4).scn in GE
4. Before starting scenario, increase time compression two levels with "+" hotkey
5. Flight now comes in to attack SAM battery
[PDb] Time compression cancels attack (3.9.4).zip
(80.19 KiB) Downloaded 1872 times
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Herman Hum
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* Known Harpoon [ANW] Issues

Postby Herman Hum » Sat Feb 14, 2009 11:19 pm

Torpedoes chasing dipping helo

Torpedoes will go active and then turn towards dipping helo

1. Run [PDb] Torpedoes chasing dipping helo (3.9.4).scn in GE
2. Fire torpedoes at RefPt Torp
3. Torpedoes will go active and then turn towards dipping helo
[PDb] Torpedoes chasing dipping helo (3.9.4).zip
(40.12 KiB) Downloaded 1757 times
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Herman Hum
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* Known Harpoon [ANW] Issues

Postby Herman Hum » Sat Feb 14, 2009 11:21 pm

Torpedoes ignore wire-commands

Torpedoes fired on Bearing-Only Launch ignore depth command changes even though liked by control wire

1. Run [PDb] Torpedoes ignore wire-commands (3.9.4).scn in GE
2. Fire Mk48 on BOL at RefPt
3. Torpedo will climb to -10m depth
4. Order torpedo back down to -100m depth
5. Torpedo ignores command
[PDb] Torpedoes ignore wire-commands (3.9.4).zip
(38.2 KiB) Downloaded 1727 times
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Herman Hum
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* Known Harpoon [ANW] Issues

Postby Herman Hum » Sat Feb 14, 2009 11:22 pm

Torpedoes limited to cruise speed

Torpedoes fired on Bearing-Only Launch are limited to cruise speed and will not accelerate to full speed even when target has been acquired

1. Run [PDb] Torpedoes limited to cruise speed (3.9.4).scn in GE
2. Sail towards Ref Pt.
3. When target ship is fully localized by sonar, fire Mk48 torpedo at target
4. Torpedo will attack target at full speed (65kts)

5. Re-run [PDb] Torpedoes limited to cruise speed (3.9.4).scn in GE
6. Fire torpedo on BOL at RefPt.
7. Turn on torpedo sonar immediately after firing
8. Torpedo will acquire target and move to intercept yet fail to accelerate to Full Speed of 65kts
[PDb] Torpedoes limited to cruise speed (3.9.4).zip
(39.1 KiB) Downloaded 1786 times
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Herman Hum
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* Known Harpoon [ANW] Issues

Postby Herman Hum » Sat Feb 14, 2009 11:25 pm

Unable to lay sonobuoy string

Aircraft unable to lay sonobuoy string. No such problem in H3 (Originally reported by Jason Howell)

1. Run [PDb] Unable to lay sonobuoy string (3.9.3).scn in GE
2. Aircraft will not lay any sonobuoys.
3. Sonobuoys will be laid in H3 version as shown in image [PDb] Unable to lay sonobuoy string (3.9.3)
[PDb] Unable to lay sonobuoy string (3.9.4).zip
(46.75 KiB) Downloaded 1761 times
[PDb] Unable to lay sonobuoy string (3.9.4).gif
[PDb] Unable to lay sonobuoy string (3.9.4).gif (2.07 KiB) Viewed 47117 times
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Herman Hum
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* Known Harpoon [ANW] Issues

Postby Herman Hum » Sat Feb 14, 2009 11:27 pm

Unable to re-start MP

Once MP game is on Pause, player is unable to re-start

1. Run [PDb] Unable to re-start MP (3.9.4).scn in MP from UK side (same scen as SeaKing)
2. Server should have all *.opt files disabled
3. Client should enable options:


4. Start game and order Embassy guard to fire upon Karina Hernandez unit
5. Pause game after 5 mins
6. Time display will show player side pause, but clock will still show 15 sec compression even though clock does not advance
7. Player will be unable to re-start game
[PDb] Unable to re-start MP (3.9.4).zip
(94.68 KiB) Downloaded 1766 times
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Herman Hum
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* Known Harpoon [ANW] Issues

Postby Herman Hum » Sat Feb 14, 2009 11:28 pm

Unable to switch off AIP

Sub has a diesel engine and fuel, but is unable to utilize either when run at Periscope depth after AIP fuel is exhausted

1. Run [PDb] Unable to switch off AIP (3.9.4).scn in GE
2. Run SSK at flank speed submerged until AIP fuel is exhausted so that there is no possibility of using up any diesel fuel
3. Come to periscope depth and attempt to engage diesel engine
3. Sub has a diesel engine and fuel, but is unable to utilize either when run at Periscope depth

[Edit] Undocumented new feature
[PDb] Unable to switch off AIP (3.9.4).zip
(8.33 KiB) Downloaded 1823 times
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Herman Hum
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* Known Harpoon [ANW] Issues

Postby Herman Hum » Sat Feb 14, 2009 11:29 pm

Unassigned SSMs no longer fire

Unassigned SSM battery would fire in 3.9.3, but will no longer do so in 3.9.4

1. Run [PDb] Unassigned SSMs no longer fire (3.9.4).scn in SE from Observer side with Show All activated
2. Harpoons would fire at Fort Grange in 3.9.3, but will no longer do so
[PDb] Unassigned SSMs no longer fire (3.9.4).zip
(9.5 KiB) Downloaded 1735 times
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Herman Hum
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* Known Harpoon [ANW] Issues

Postby Herman Hum » Sat Feb 14, 2009 11:31 pm

Units drop off network

Units are listed on a mission, but none of the individual ships in the group show this mission in their unit display

1. Run [PDb] Units drop off network (3.9.4).scn in SE
2. TF Tromp is listed on Curacao 4 mission. However, none of the individual ships in the group show this in their unit display
3. If ships are detached from TF Tromp, they cannot be found and re-assigned in the Mission Window
[PDb] Units drop off network (3.9.4).zip
(96.5 KiB) Downloaded 1656 times
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Herman Hum
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* Known Harpoon [ANW] Issues

Postby Herman Hum » Sat Feb 14, 2009 11:33 pm

ViCond evaluates with wrong UNIT

ViCond evaluates with wrong specific UNIT identified in condition

1. Load [PDb] ViCond evaluates with wrong UNIT (3.9.4).scn in SE
2. Switch side to North Vietnam
3. Resign
4. ViCond shows [PDb] ViCond evaluates with wrong UNIT 1 (3.9.4).gif
5. ViCond should be showing [PDb] ViCond evaluates with wrong UNIT 2 (3.9.4).gif
[PDb] ViCond evaluates with wrong UNIT (3.9.4).zip
(65.13 KiB) Downloaded 1747 times
[PDb] ViCond evaluates with wrong UNIT 2 (3.9.4).gif
[PDb] ViCond evaluates with wrong UNIT 2 (3.9.4).gif (1.95 KiB) Viewed 47112 times
[PDb] ViCond evaluates with wrong UNIT 1 (3.9.4).gif
[PDb] ViCond evaluates with wrong UNIT 1 (3.9.4).gif (2.24 KiB) Viewed 47114 times
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Herman Hum
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* Known Harpoon [ANW] Issues

Postby Herman Hum » Sat Feb 14, 2009 11:36 pm

Weapon never hits III

Weapons that hit in 3.9.3 will never hit target in 3.9.4

1. Run [PDb] Weapon never hits III (3.9.4).scn in GE 3.9.3
2. Fire MLRS weapons at target.
3. Weapons will hit target.
4. Run [PDb] Weapon never hits III (3.9.4).scn in GE 3.9.4
5. Fire MLRS weapons at target
6. Weapons will never hit target
[PDb] Weapon never hits III (3.9.4).zip
(38.62 KiB) Downloaded 1709 times
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Herman Hum
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* Known Harpoon [ANW] Issues

Postby Herman Hum » Sat Feb 14, 2009 11:38 pm

WeaponStatusLogs always active

Weapons Status AALogs are always active even if AALogs have been disabled by the Config Launcher
[PDb] WeaponStatus Logs always active (3.9.4).zip
(333 Bytes) Downloaded 1751 times
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Harpoon3 Frequently Asked Questions
Herman Hum
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* Known Harpoon [ANW] Issues

Postby Herman Hum » Sat Feb 14, 2009 11:40 pm

Fighter cannot intercept for re-fueling

Fighter circles tanker but never accomplishes operation

1. Run [USN] Fighter cannot intercept for re-fueling (3.9.4).scn in GE (or demo Tutorial #6)
2. Select Falcon and order it to re-fuel from tanker with F6
3. Fighter circles tanker but never accomplishes operation
[USN] Fighter cannot intercept for re-fueling (3.9.4).zip
(25.57 KiB) Downloaded 1743 times
[USN] Fighter cannot intercept for re-fueling (3.9.4).gif
[USN] Fighter cannot intercept for re-fueling (3.9.4).gif (10.84 KiB) Viewed 47117 times
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Harpoon3 Frequently Asked Questions
Herman Hum
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