* Known Harpoon Classic Issues

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* Known Harpoon Classic Issues

Postby Herman Hum » Sat Dec 20, 2008 9:11 am

Defect Name: Arrow keys do not move unit window
Build: HCE 2008.065
Repeatable: Y
Operating System: XP
DB used: HCDB-081124
Scenario used: any
Long Description: Arrow keys no longer re-position the unit window

Sequence to reproduce:
1. Load any scenario
2. Click on Unit Window and make it active active
3. Arrow keys no longer move the Unit window up/down/right/left

Expected behaviour: Arrow keys should move the Unit window up/down/right/left
Observed behaviour: Arrow keys no longer move the Unit window up/down/right/left
Arrow keys do not move unit window.zip
(461 Bytes) Downloaded 1932 times
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* Known Harpoon Classic Issues

Postby Herman Hum » Mon Dec 22, 2008 4:59 am

Defect Name: No Free Intell, please
Build: HCE 2008.065
Repeatable: Y
Operating System: XP
DB used: HCUS-081221
Scenario used: USNIGIUK1.0
Long Description: Land units attached to enemy bases are immediately revealed in number, if not location, when enemy base is selected.

Sequence to reproduce:
1. Click on any enemy base group
2. Number of attached land units is show in unit display even if they have not yet been detected by the player

Expected behaviour: Land units attached to enemy bases are immediately revealed in number
Observed behaviour: Land units attached to enemy bases should not be revealed unless detected
No Free Intell, please.gif
No Free Intell, please.gif (22.35 KiB) Viewed 41815 times
No Free Intell, please.zip
(22.92 KiB) Downloaded 1930 times
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* Known Harpoon Classic Issues

Postby Herman Hum » Tue Jan 06, 2009 1:28 am

Defect Name: AI radar twice as effective
Build: HCE 2008.044
Repeatable: Y
Operating System: XP
DB used: HCDB-081124
Scenario used: AI radar twice as effective.scm
Long Description: Under identical conditions, AI radar more than twice as effective as the same radar under player control

Sequence to reproduce:
1. Run AI radar twice as effective.scm from Red side with SAM Heavy fire at Optimal range
2. AI strike will approach ZQb and be detected at 8nm from ZJb and immediately engaged
3. Re-run AI radar twice as effective.scm from Blue side
4. Order 2 F-117 to attack ZQb
5. When strike group is approximately 17nm from ZJb, activate Show All to see that missiles are already inbound

Expected behaviour: AI controlled radar should have the same effectiveness as player units
Observed behaviour: AI controlled radar is more than twice as effective as player units
AI radar twice as effective.zip
(2.6 KiB) Downloaded 1988 times
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* Known Harpoon Classic Issues

Postby Herman Hum » Sun Jan 11, 2009 10:11 pm

Defect Name: Auto-formation patrols cause crash
Build: HCE 2008.044
Repeatable: Y
Operating System: XP
DB used: 35to50db from Rene Haar
Scenario used: Auto-formation patrols cause crash.hpz
Long Description: Scenario run with Auto-formation patrols activated will crash when player attempts to engage target with guns.

Sequence to reproduce:
1. Load Auto-formation patrols cause crash.hpz with customized WW2 battleset attached
2. Ensure Auto-formation Patrols option is activated
3. Run from Blue Side
4. Order AQS Adm. Scheer to engage red unit with guns
5. GetAnnexError crash

Expected behaviour: Auto-formation patrols should not cause crash during combat
Observed behaviour: Auto-formation patrols cause crash during gun attack
Auto-formation patrols cause crash.zip
(1.7 MiB) Downloaded 1962 times
Auto-formation patrols cause crash.gif
Auto-formation patrols cause crash.gif (5.71 KiB) Viewed 41787 times
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* Known Harpoon Classic Issues

Postby Herman Hum » Thu Jan 15, 2009 1:57 am

Defect Name: Dipping Sonar not activating
Build: HCE 2008.044
Repeatable: Y
Operating System: XP
DB used: HCDB-081124
Scenario used: Dipping Sonar not activating.SCm
Long Description: Dipping Sonar not activating while prosecuting sub contact because the helo under AI control operates at Low altitude and not VLow altitude.

Sequence to reproduce:
1. Run Dipping Sonar not activating.SCm from Red side with Show All and Active Blue sonar ring activated
2. 4x SeaKing helos will launch from base to prosecute your Alfa sub
3. They will close and then drop a torp
4. At no time will the helo activate its dipping sonar
5. Active Sonar range ring will appear, but it will be false. (This is bug is already reported.)
6. Select helo Unit in Unit Window and hit F9 to see that Active sonar is not even an option available to the helo.
7. This change is due to the new HCE behaviour requiring helos to only deploy dipping sonar at VLow Altitude. In previous HC versions, dipping sonar and sonobuoys deployed when the helo stopped at Low altitude.
8. Not only is the dipping sonar not deploying, sonobuoys are not being dropped, either.
9. If the VLow requirement is to be maintained, then all ASW helo operations should be moved to that altitude by default.

Expected behaviour: Helos prosecuting targets or on patrol should deploy dipping sonar
Observed behaviour: Only helos under manual control can be ordered to VLow to activate dipping sonar
Dipping Sonar not activating.zip
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* Known Harpoon Classic Issues

Postby Herman Hum » Sat Jan 17, 2009 8:03 pm

Defect Name: CTD adding Alt Start point
Build: HCE 2008.044
Repeatable: Y
Operating System: XP
DB used: HCDB-081124
Scenario used: CTD adding Alt Start point.scm
Long Description: CTD when adding Alt Start point

Sequence to reproduce:
1. Try to add Alt Start point to Red sub unit

Expected behaviour: Addition of Alt Start point results in CTD
Observed behaviour: Addition of Alt Start point should not result in CTD
CTD adding Alt Start point.zip
(930 Bytes) Downloaded 1934 times
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* Known Harpoon Classic Issues

Postby Herman Hum » Mon Mar 09, 2009 11:51 pm

Defect Name: Planes missing from Divide Group command
Build: HCE 2009.17
Repeatable: Y
Operating System: XP
DB used: South African Battleset (Haar)
Scenario used: 1.0 Approaching
Long Description: Planes missing from window when Divide Group command issued

Sequence to reproduce:
1. Start scenario 1.0 from Blue side
2. Order 4 Tomcat with Intercept loadout and 1 Tomcat with Tanker loadout to a single Ferry mission to Durban
3. Once group is airborne, Issue Divide Group command
4. Both the Tanker and the Interceptors are shown as eligible
5. Cancel command
6. Order group to Land at Durban
7. Re-issue Divide Group command
8. Only Tanker appears as eligible for transfer

Expected behaviour: All planes within a group should be shown when Divide Group command issued
Observed behaviour: Only Tanker appears when Divide Group command issued
Planes missing from Divide Group command.zip
(29.99 KiB) Downloaded 1960 times
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* Known Harpoon Classic Issues

Postby Herman Hum » Wed Mar 25, 2009 2:30 am

Defect Name: SE General Fault error with Formation Editor
Build: SE 2009.015
Repeatable: Y
Operating System: XP
DB used: HCDB-090128
Scenario used: Big Fish [EC2003 GIUK]
Long Description: ScenEdit produces General Fault Protection error when using the Formation Editor

Sequence to reproduce:
1. Load Battleset scenario into ScenEdit
2. Select group ALs
3. Open Formation Editor
4. Select helo that has not yet been launched
5. Zoom to centre of formation
6. Hit Set Patrol
7. Error produced

Expected behaviour: ScenEdit should not produce General Fault Protection error when using the Formation Editor
Observed behaviour: ScenEdit produces General Fault Protection error when using the Formation Editor
SE General Fault error with Formation Editor.zip
(5.6 KiB) Downloaded 1886 times
SE General Fault error with Formation Editor.gif
SE General Fault error with Formation Editor.gif (4.96 KiB) Viewed 41725 times
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* Known Harpoon Classic Issues

Postby Herman Hum » Mon May 18, 2009 6:42 pm

Defect Name: Instantaneous torpedo resolution [Originally reported by Vince Reckall]
Build: HCE 2009.036
Repeatable: Y
Operating System: XP
DB used: HCDB-090427
Scenario used: GIUK 6.0 "Fortress Keflavik"
Long Description: Torpedoes fired from submarines to ships 3nm-4nm away hit at once without running the distance. Also, there is no launch/hit animation (if active) and the Ph does seem unrealistic

1) Load up save game Instantaneous torpedo resolution.HP1 from attachment under HCCE version 2009.032 (the first version this oddity was observed under was 2009.030). Play as USSR.
2) There is one Soviet Foxtrot sub north from Iceland, with a BLUE battle group in torpedo range. Attack the ships in range (they are an Iowa BB and a Virginia cruiser). Distribute your torpedo salvo the way you wish.
3) The torpedoes appear on the map, and then disappear *at once*. The log sometimes shows a torpedo hit, but not always. Repeated attempts with multiple torpedo salvoes (5-6) during testing always produced either one hit or none. Also, NO animation is displayed (if you have them turned on). Finally, the torpedoes do not "run" for the whole distance (about 2nm-3nm) but whatever happens, it happens at once.

I was able to reproduce this problem every time. You can wait for a better fix on the BLUE units: the oddity in the torpedoes behaviour is the same.

Notes: I found the same odd behaviour in another scenario (Gauntlet) but I wans't able to save that situation.

Expected behaviour: Torpedoes should launch and resolve normally
Observed behaviour: Torpedoes launch and resolve instantaneously
Instantaneous torpedo resolution.zip
(13.4 KiB) Downloaded 1870 times
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Herman Hum
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* Known Harpoon Classic Issues

Postby Herman Hum » Mon May 18, 2009 6:46 pm

Defect Name: Nuke blast range error [Originally reported by Vince Reckall]
Build: HCE 2009.036
Repeatable: Y
Operating System: XP
DB used: HCDB-090427
Scenario used: GIUK 6.0 "Fortress Keflavik"
Long Description: Nuclear torpedoes fired from submarines to ships 2nm-3nm away hit at once without running the distance. Also, the target ship is not destroyed! (but those in the blast range are)

Sequence to reproduce:
1) Load up save game Nuke blast range error.HP1 from attachment under HCCE version 2009.032 (the first version this oddity was observed under was 2009.030). Play as URRS.
2) There is one Soviet Foxtrot sub north from Iceland, with a BLUE battle group in torpedo range. Grant yourself Nuclear Release (Alt+F3) Attack the large ship in range (AA00) with a salvo of 4 nuclear torpedos (she is a Iowa BB, with a Virginia cruiser to the south).
3) The torpedoes appear on the map, and then disappear *at once*. The "Nuclear hit!" animation appears with the Iowa silohuette. However, the Iowa doesn't sink - but both the Virginia and the Foxtrot (that are within the nuclear blast range) do.

I was able to reproduce this problem every time. You can wait for a better fix on the BLUE units: the oddity in the nuclear torpedoes behaviour is the same.

Expected behaviour: Target within Nuke blast range should be destroyed with surrounding units
Observed behaviour: Target within Nuke blast range survives while surrounding units are destroyed
Nuke blast range error.zip
(13.28 KiB) Downloaded 1897 times
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Herman Hum
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* Known Harpoon Classic Issues

Postby Herman Hum » Mon May 18, 2009 6:48 pm

Defect Name: Doubles selected in unit window
Build: HCE 2009.036
Repeatable: Y
Operating System: XP
DB used: HCDB-090427
Scenario used: WestPac Walkthrough
Long Description: Two units can be shown as selected at the same time within the Unit display window

Sequence to reproduce:
1. Select group ADS
2. Hit C to centre Unit window
3. Click on submarine in unit window
4. Both the sub and the original ship will have boxes around them to indicate selection

Expected behaviour: Only one unit at a time should be selected within the Unit display window
Observed behaviour: Two units can be shown as selected within the Unit display window
Doubles selected in unit window.gif
Doubles selected in unit window.gif (2.45 KiB) Viewed 40958 times
Doubles selected in unit window.zip
(2.98 KiB) Downloaded 1942 times
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Herman Hum
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* Known Harpoon Classic Issues

Postby Herman Hum » Wed May 20, 2009 2:11 pm

Defect Name: Dual BOL windows cause freeze
Build: HCE 2009.036
Repeatable: Y
Operating System: XP
DB used: HCDB-090427
Scenario used: Dual BOL windows cause freeze.hpq
Long Description: Multiple BOL launch windows can be opened, but not closed; thereby causing game to freeze.

Sequence to reproduce:
1. Load Dual BOL windows cause freeze.hpq
2. Select ZQs
3. Order BOL launch
4. While first BOL launch window is open, order second BOL launch

Expected behaviour: Only one BOL launch window should be open at a time
Observed behaviour: Multiple BOL launch windows can be open at the same time
Dual BOL windows cause freeze.zip
(25.51 KiB) Downloaded 1914 times
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Herman Hum
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* Known Harpoon Classic Issues

Postby Herman Hum » Wed May 20, 2009 7:07 pm

Defect Name: Torps cannot acquire
Build: HCE 2009.036
Repeatable: Y
Operating System: XP
DB used: HCDB-090427
Scenario used: Torps cannot acquire.hpm
Long Description: Torpedoes never acquire target regardless of which direction and distance they are fired from. Torpedoes do work against other submarine targets. The distance the target is away from its group icon and formation patrol zone may be one possible explanation of this behaviour.

Sequence to reproduce:
1. Run Torps cannot acquire.hpm
2. Order BFa to attack sub ZVu
3. Re-attack from as many angles and distances as desired. Torpedoes never engage sub and just sail past

Expected behaviour: Torpedoes should track target and engage
Observed behaviour: Torpedoes sail pass target
Torps cannot acquire.zip
(45.58 KiB) Downloaded 1870 times
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Herman Hum
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* Known Harpoon Classic Issues

Postby Herman Hum » Wed May 20, 2009 7:18 pm

Defect Name: Staff message appears after attack cancelled
Build: HCE 2009.036
Repeatable: Y
Operating System: XP
DB used: HCDB-090427
Scenario used: Staff message appears after attack cancelled.hpm
Long Description: Staff message appears after attack cancelled
"Effective range is 4nm. Target range is 0nm. Should we close and attack?"

Sequence to reproduce:
1. Load Staff message appears after attack cancelled.hpm
2. Order BFa to attack sub ZVu
3. Cancel attack
4. Staff message Load Staff message appears after attack cancelled.gif appears

Expected behaviour: Staff message regarding range should not appear when attack is cancelled
Observed behaviour: Staff message regarding range appear whens attack is cancelled
Staff message appears after attack cancelled.zip
(36.65 KiB) Downloaded 1919 times
Staff message appears after attack cancelled.gif
Staff message appears after attack cancelled.gif (5.96 KiB) Viewed 40948 times
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Herman Hum
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* Known Harpoon Classic Issues

Postby Herman Hum » Mon Jun 22, 2009 10:09 pm

Defect Name: CTD choosing ClassID in SE
Build: HCE 2009.036
Repeatable: Y
Operating System: XP
DB used: HCDB-090620
Scenario used: CTD choosing ClassID in SE.sco
Long Description: SE crashes when setting up ClassID in ViConds

Sequence to reproduce:
1. Open file and go to ViConds
2. Select Blue MinVic #2
3. Hit ClassID button
4. Hit Choose Class button
5. CTD

Expected behaviour: "Choose Class" button should not cause CTD
Observed behaviour: "Choose Class" button causes CTD
CTD choosing ClassID in SE.zip
(27.96 KiB) Downloaded 1870 times
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Herman Hum
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