* Known Harpoon [ANW] Issues

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* Known Harpoon [ANW] Issues

Postby Herman Hum » Fri May 16, 2008 2:12 am

Speed changes with altitude

When a group climbs, the speed will increase to the default speed for that altitude band even though user has previously entered a different speed. (Originally reported by JChiecchio)

1. Load [PDb] Speed changes with altitude (3.9.2).scn
2. Plot group path to RefPt
3. Sent group speed for 400kts at 31m
4. Run file
5. As group moves towards RefPt, order group to climb to High altitude by clicking on the radio button. Do not enter any data into other windows.
6. When group climbs, speed will increase to the default speed of 500kts at High Altitude (7501m) thereby canceling user set speed of 400kts.
7. This behaviour has also been noted to occur with submarines.
[PDb] Speed changes with altitude (3.9.2).zip
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Herman Hum
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* Known Harpoon [ANW] Issues

Postby Herman Hum » Sat May 17, 2008 10:17 pm

SLBM Explodes past target

SLBMs will pass over target and explode. (Originally reported by Freek Schepers)

1. Run [PDb] SLBM Explodes past target (3.9.2).scn
2. Order SSBN to periscope depth and fire on unit named [Target]
3. SLBMs will pass over target and explode at RefPt Boom
4. Scen runs fine in H3.6.3
[PDb] SLBM Explodes past target (3.9.2).zip
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Herman Hum
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* Known Harpoon [ANW] Issues

Postby Herman Hum » Sat May 17, 2008 10:25 pm

Patch duplicates AALog file

Patch installation creates duplicate AALog.opt file if AALog is already enabled at time of installation procedure. (Originally reported by Freek Schepers)
Herman Hum
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* Known Harpoon [ANW] Issues

Postby Herman Hum » Sun May 18, 2008 10:12 am

Sub stops when surfacing

Sub rises to surface and stops. (Originally reported by Freek Schepers)

1. Run [PDB] Sub stops when surfacing (3.9.2).scn in SE from Russian side
2. At 5th waypoint, SSBN receives order to surface and run at 10kts
3. SSBN rises to surface and stops

This issue may be related to:

Speed changes with altitude

When a group climbs, the speed will increase to the default speed for that altitude band even though user has previously entered a different speed. (Originally reported by JChiecchio)
[PDB] Sub stops when surfacing (3.9.2).zip
(47.63 KiB) Downloaded 2964 times
Herman Hum
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* Known Harpoon [ANW] Issues

Postby Herman Hum » Sun May 25, 2008 7:42 am

Sonobuoy mission cancels

Sonobuoy mission cancels on its own due to inability to deploy active sonobuoy and causes all other helo sonobuoy formation patrols to revert to Minimal loadout. (Originally reported by Vincenzo Beretta)

1. Run [PDb] Sonobuoy mission cancels (3.9.2).SCN in GE with Staff Assistant enabled to handle Formation Patrols and 1:60s time compression
2. Sail group towards Narvik
3. Two sonobuoy patrols have been assigned to the group. One with (1) SH-60 SeaHawk and one with (1) Lynx
4. SeaHawk has both active and passive sonobuoys. Lynx has only active buoys.
5. SeaHawk formation patrol executes properly and lays assigned string of sonobuoys.

6.1) Lynx helo (with torpedoes) launches and reports, "Lynx is out of relevant ammo; ordered to land". This likely occurs because the AI can only drop passive buoys and the Lynx is only armed with active buoys.
6.2) A second Lynx is launched and the same message is repeated immediately. Both helos hover
6.3) The second SeaHawk helo on the deck gets changed to Minimal loadout
6.4) Both Lynx helos land, re-arm, and revert to Minimal loadout
6.5) After re-fueling, a second SeaHawk (without torpedo loadout) is launched with Minimal loadout to fulfill the Patrol zone previously assigned to a single Lynx.

7. When airborne SeaHawks run out of sonobuoys, a Lynx (with Minimal loadout) will launch to try and replace them, but they will just hover.
8. When the SeaHawks land to re-fuel, their torpedo loadout will be lost and the helos launch with Minimal loadout.
[PDb] Sonobuoy mission cancels (3.9.2).zip
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Herman Hum
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* Known Harpoon [ANW] Issues

Postby Herman Hum » Tue Jun 10, 2008 12:22 pm

Unable to delete aircraft

Only some aircraft can be deleted from a base

1. Run [Col] Unable to delete aircraft (3.9.3).scn in SE
2. Select Banak group icon
3. Edit Menu --> Unit --> Edit Aircraft
4. Attempt to Delete the two groups of aircraft with 100:00 hr ready times
[Col] Unable to delete aircraft (3.9.3).zip
(107.09 KiB) Downloaded 2815 times
Herman Hum
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* Known Harpoon [ANW] Issues

Postby Herman Hum » Tue Jun 10, 2008 12:24 pm

Planes directly inserted cannot attack

Planes B014 and B015 cannot execute ALCM attack vs. Runway target

1. Run [ODb] Planes directly inserted cannot attack (3.9.3).scn in SE
2. Planes B014 and B015 cannot execute ALCM attack vs. Runway target
3. The same weapons and planes will attack if four B-52s from the land base are assigned to the Focused Strike mission
[ODb] Planes directly inserted cannot attack (3.9.3).zip
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Herman Hum
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* Known Harpoon [ANW] Issues

Postby Herman Hum » Tue Jun 10, 2008 12:28 pm

Specific strike cannot hit

Specific strike mission cannot hit target unless Focused Strike is enabled

1. Run [ODb] Specific strike cannot hit (3.9.3).SCN in SE
2. B-52 will launch missiles and destroy air station, but missiles cannot hit runway
3. Missiles will function if the Focused Strike box is enabled
[ODb] Specific strike cannot hit (3.9.3).SCN.zip
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Herman Hum
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* Known Harpoon [ANW] Issues

Postby Herman Hum » Tue Jun 10, 2008 12:32 pm

CTD reading Evaluation

CTD while attempting to PgDown in Evaluation window

1. Run [PDb] CTD reading Evaluation (3.9.3).scn in SE
2. Victory conditions will trigger
3. Hit Y to end game and go to evaluation window
4. Click on Evaluation window then use PgDown to scroll to bottom of screen
5. CTD was replicated once with this procedure, but not in all instances. 2 crash logs have been appended.
6. CTD can be replicated consistently with 3.9.4 in GE and specific PDb version Aug 1, 2009
[PDb] CTD reading Evaluation (3.9.4).zip
(1.54 MiB) Downloaded 2817 times
[PDb] CTD reading Evaluation (3.9.3).zip
(35.57 KiB) Downloaded 2837 times
Herman Hum
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* Known Harpoon [ANW] Issues

Postby Herman Hum » Tue Jun 10, 2008 12:35 pm

Ferry Mission fails to launch

Ferry Mission that executed properly in 3.9.0 fails to launch in 3.9.3

1. Run [PDb] Ferry Mission fails to launch (3.9.3).scn in SE
2. Ferry mission assigned to AI side for Hangar will not launch.
3. Mission launched with no problem in 3.9.0
[PDb] Ferry Mission fails to launch (3.9.3).zip
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Herman Hum
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* Known Harpoon [ANW] Issues

Postby Herman Hum » Tue Jun 10, 2008 12:38 pm

Map windows disappear

Map windows do not appear when file loaded. Probable cause is repeated use of Batch Re-build by Battleset function.
[PDb] Map windows disappear (3.9.3).zip
(158.95 KiB) Downloaded 2637 times
Herman Hum
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* Known Harpoon [ANW] Issues

Postby Herman Hum » Tue Jun 10, 2008 12:42 pm

Multiple Edit windows opened

Multiple Edit windows can be opened but they can't be closed.

1. Run [PDb] Multiple Edit windows opened (3.9.3).scn in SE
2. Select ship and open Edit Menu --> Unit --> Edit Aircraft
3. While aircraft window is open, activate Edit Menu with Alt+E --> Unit --> Edit Aircraft to open a second aircraft edit window
4. Close second second aircraft window opened
5. Unable to close first window
[PDb] Multiple Edit windows opened (3.9.3).zip
(39.01 KiB) Downloaded 2757 times
Herman Hum
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* Known Harpoon [ANW] Issues

Postby Herman Hum » Tue Jun 10, 2008 12:46 pm

Navigator plots path off map

Navigator plots path outside of the map

1. Run [PDb] Navigator plots path off map (3.9.3) in GE
[PDb] Navigator plots path off map (3.9.3).zip
(133.04 KiB) Downloaded 2997 times
[PDb] Navigator plots path off map (3.9.3).gif
[PDb] Navigator plots path off map (3.9.3).gif (11.86 KiB) Viewed 55450 times
Herman Hum
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* Known Harpoon [ANW] Issues

Postby Herman Hum » Tue Jun 10, 2008 12:49 pm

ViCond triggers in SP but not MP

Damage ViCond triggers in SP but not MP.

1. Run SeaKing to Chile.scn from the Falklands battleset on the PlayersDB server run by HarpGamer
2. Select the UK side
3. Destroy the Karina Hernandez unit located in Rio near the UK Embassy
4. Resign to see that the ViCond has not triggered
5. Re-run file in solitaire and destroy the Karina unit to see that the ViCond does trigger
[PDb] ViCond triggers in SP but not MP (3.9.3).zip
(95.21 KiB) Downloaded 2773 times
Herman Hum
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* Known Harpoon [ANW] Issues

Postby Herman Hum » Tue Jun 10, 2008 12:53 pm

Indestructible units in new scen

Unit from the other side cannot be destroyed in newly created scen

1. Create a scenario with 2 sides with one unit on each side.
2. I used E-3 Sentry for Target side vs. F-14D Tomcat for player-controlled side
3. Do not save.
4. Order one side to destroy the other.
5. The lone unit from the other side cannot be destroyed

Work-around solution: Save scenario and re-load before running under the ScenEditor.
[PDb] Indestructible units in new scen (3.9.3).zip
(447 Bytes) Downloaded 2884 times
Herman Hum
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Joined: Wed Oct 25, 2006 1:32 am


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