Harpoon Classic Scenarios

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Harpoon Classic Scenarios

Postby Herman Hum » Sun Nov 26, 2006 5:45 am

Harpoon Classic, Harpoon 3, and Harpoon are trademarks of their respective owners. Any mention of these products is purely for reference and should not be construed as a challenge to their trademark status.

There are over 500 Harpoon Classic scenarios (made with the original version of the game) posted on HarPlonkHQ; far too many to categorize individually so they have simply been grouped together.

Thanks to Larry Gertner for compiling them and submitting them.

Scenario File Extension Guide

These scenarios can also be found on:
Legacy Scenarios.zip
(22 Bytes) Downloaded 2143 times
Herman Hum
Posts: 1318
Joined: Wed Oct 25, 2006 1:32 am

Harpoon Classic Scenarios

Postby Herman Hum » Sun Nov 26, 2006 5:58 am

Harpoon Classic Gold scenarios posted on HarPlonkHQ.

Scenario File Extension Guide

BAT90A1 - EC2003 NACV Battleset

In 1990, the government in Iran collapsed and the country was plunged into chaos. The Soviet Union decided to take advantage of this to gain control of Iran's oil and its warm water ports. It invaded, quickly smashed the Iranian military, and took control of the country.

The United States and its allies have condemned the invasion. The Soviet Union and its allies know that the West will eventually attempt to liberate Iran. Along with moving naval forces into the Persian Gulf, they have initiated a campaign of attacks against Western industrial facilities, military bases, and merchant shipping around the world. Their primary goal here is to weaken the West to the point where it will be unable to drive the Soviets out of Iran. In addition, they hope to damage the economies of the United States and its allies badly enough to leave themselves in a position of increased global influence.

With all other assets dedicated to other missions, battle group AAC (Flag Ranger) must intercept and destroy a Soviet battle group en route to the Persian Gulf. The battle group is believed to include a carrier and several escorts.

In addition, you must locate and destroy several Soviet submarines that will otherwise represent a threat to merchant shipping headed towards and leaving Great Britain and Norway; it is likely these submarines are in the waters between Iceland and Scotland.

Author: Mark Gellis

TSETSKLI - EC2003 MEDC Battleset

Today, as the first decade of the 21st century comes to a close, Georgia remains piteously poor. And, yet, geographically, it is a country of enormous importance. An immense pipeline passes through Georgian terrirtory, moving vast quantities of oil and gas from the Caspian Sea to a Turkish port. In the wake of the American withdrawal (some might say, ejection) from the Persian Gulf, Caspian oil is seen as crucially important in relieving the dependence on oil from the Gulf region. The Russians are about to withdraw from the republic completely and NATO membership is just around the corner for Georgia. Still, as always, trouble is brewing just below the surface. It is only a matter of time before a soldier calls, “Tsetskli! Tsetskli! Tsetskli!”

Author: Brad Leyte


Chaos reigned in the aftermath of the fall of Saddam Hussein and his regime. The United States failed to obtain sufficient support from the international community for its exercise in nation-building. With the body count rising and a new Administration in Washington, US forces withdrew in late 2004. Continuing political friction with the European Union was only aggravated by the turn of events in Iraq.

The withdrawal of all significant Western presence in the Middle East led to a power vacuum that soon twisted itself into a nightmarish scenario. The intifadah in Israel intensified when the USA pulled out of Iraq. The Israelis responded with a heavy hand. In turn, the long-time enemies of Israel sensed an opportunity and moved with shocking speed.

Author: Brad Leyte

PATRIOT LANE - EC2003 MEDC Battleset

Egyptian and Syrian air strikes against Israel have in large part been repelled but not without a heavy cost in lives and equipment. Worse, Jordan has joined the cause and is supporting a massive overland assault by armoured forces moving through the Golan Heights and across the Sinai. The George Bush carrier battle group has now arrived in the battle zone, having suppressed a hostile Libya, but we can no longer rely on support from the RAF or Aviano airbase in Italy. The situation in Israel is desperate. They are battling valiantly against the Arab incursion, but it is questionable how long they can hold out without reinforcement and resupply. A merchant convoy is enroute to Haifa but they will need protection if they are to make it safely.

Author: Brad Leyte

ISR10A1 – EC2003 MEDC

A few years in the future... A military coup has placed a radical Islamic government in control of Egypt. Mossad has uncovered evidence that the new Egyptian government has sponsored acts of terrorism against Israel and other Western nations.

Israel has decided to impose a blockade on the Egyptian port of Alexandria.
Unfortunately, the E.U. is not entirely convinced that Egypt is guilty of sponsoring terrorism, and refuses to recognize the blockade as legitimate. There is growing concern that one or more European nations will try to run the blockade.

For the present, the United States is staying neutral, but it will assist Israel if additional evidence surfaces. Turkey has also said it will assist Israel if new evidence against Egypt appears (and has been condemned by other Islamic nation for being "Israel's good dog.")

Author: Mark Gellis

ISR10A2 – EC2003 MEDC
A few years in the future... Israel, believing Egypt to be responsible for terrorist attacks, has blockaded the port of Alexandria. The E.U., refusing to believe that Egypt was responsible, attempted to run the blockade; the convoy of tankers escorted by Italian warships was destroyed, a humiliating defeat for the E.U.

The E.U. has decided to punish Israel by destroying as much of its navy and air assets as it can. Two large task forces have been dispatched to take control of the eastern Mediterranean. A large number of air assets have been transferred to Greek air bases in preparation for massive strikes against Israeli bases, surface vessels, and submarines.

The E.U. task force consists of French, Italian, and Greek forces. Interestingly, Germany and the U.K. have invoked their rights as E.U. members to not join these missions. The diplomatic furor over this is huge and there may be repercussions for the E.U. that extend far beyond the fate of the Jewish state.

Author: Mark Gellis

ROM10A1 Ukraine Is Not the Boss of Me – EC2003 MEDC

A few years in the future... Relations between Ukraine and some of its neighbors have become strained. In particular, Ukraine has demanded that Romania stop violating its trade sanctions against other Black Sea nations like Georgia. Romania has politely but firmly replied that it will trade with whomever it pleases. Ukraine appears poised to take this quarrel to the next level...

Author: Mark Gellis

ITA10A1 - EC2003 MEDC Battleset
A few years in the future... Disputes over trade and environmental issues have created friction between Russia and the European Union. After one incident where two of its warships were sunk by E.U. forces, there is evidence that Russia will make a punitive strike designed to "educate" the E.U. The "lesson," of course, is that Europe cannot attack Russia with impunity.

Russia believes that America is unlikely to interefere. The growing global influence and economic power of the E.U. has created tension with the United States. If Russian troops were marching into Berlin or Paris, the United States would act to defend its allies and its strategic interests, but the prevailing attitude in America at the moment is that, for anything less, the E.U. can fend for itself. In fact, there are many Americans who would like to see the E.U. humbled a bit. The loss of a few warships or a few city blocks may be just the thing to do it.

Author: Mark Gellis

Gorby – EC2003 MEDC - Snake Bliskin Strikes Again

Date: August 1991 - In an apparent coup, a committee of Soviet hardliners has taken control of the government. NATO and Soviet military forces have been put on full alert. President Gorbachev and his family have been taken from their dacha in the Crimea to a merchant ship in the Black Sea where his fate will be decided by the de facto Soviet government.

Russian naval officers loyal to President Gorbachev have prepared a plan to rescue him and take him to the West to establish a government in exile and work to free the Soviet Union. The Oscar-class submarine Smolensk (nicknamed the Snake Bliskin for the character rescuing the President in the movie Escape from New York) will be the main instrument of this plan.

Author: Fred Galano

PEL10A1 - Nicobar Waltz – EC2003 IOPG Battleset

A few years in the future... For reasons which are not entirely clear, Indonesia has invaded and occupied part of the Nicobar Islands.

Normally, the United States would leave the matter to India, but by unhappy coincidence, the Indonesians chose to invade while an American film company was on Car Nicobar shooting scenes for a movie. In the confusion of battle, there were a number of American casualties, including two popular young American starlets (one of them a friend of the President's own children and a frequent visitor to the White House). A few days later, an amateur video showing the bodies of Americans killed in the attack surfaced on the Internet.

To make matters worse, the Indonesians have refused to release those Americans who survived the attack; the Indonesians are holding them as hostages to prevent American involvement in the conflict. With American public opinion inflamed, the President has little choice but to act. Whether the Indians like it or not, America will be taking the Nicobar Islands back for them.

Author: Mark Gellis


The South China Sea has long been a highly disputed area, and with rival territorial claims to the collection of islands and reefs known as the Spratly and Paracel islands, and potential hydrocarbon resources in the region, this is unlikely to change in the future. Unfortunately, the South China Sea is also a strategic waterway, providing a key maritime link between the Indian Ocean and East Asia. The complexity of the jurisdictional disputes and the underlying nationalism within the various states has already been a catalyst for conflict. China and Vietnam clashed over the Paracels in 1974, and again in 1988 in the Spratlys. In October 1994 Vietnam sought offers from foreign oil companies for commercial development in the disputed zone, an action which angered China and perhaps led to its seizure of Mischief Reef in 1995. Similarly, Vietnam condemned a Chinese deal in November 1997 to exploit the Ledong gas field. And, despite a treaty signed between the two states on December 30, 1999, the potential for conflict continues.

In this scenario, the discovery of vast oil resources has prompted the People's Republic of China to reassert its claims to the Spratlys. Malaysia, unhappy with the manner in which the United States has exercised its anti-terrorist policies in the region, has allied with the PRC and pledged its support in a pending joint development project. Vietnam is outraged by the PRC's change of heart and has vowed to protect its claims of sovereignty in the archipelago. Both Thailand and the Philippines have allied with Vietnam.

Author: Brad Leyte

This scenario investigates the use of the planned Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) in its natural environment - the littoral or "brown water" zone. Here, more particularly, in the context of an effort to locate and neutralize a terrorist ship armed with a weapon of mass destruction.

Intelligence reports indicate that a terrorist organization has procured at least one, and possibly two, atomic devices and loaded them aboard ship for transit to a target Western port. The target is believed to be a civilian infrastructure (a port, coastal airfield or city) in either of Australia, Japan or the Philippines. At last report, the terrorist ship (or ships) was believed to be in Indonesian waters and headed east. Recent political conflict between the American and Indonesian governments, fueled in large part by Jakarta's refusal to accept increased US Navy patrols in the Malacca Strait in the ongoing fight against terrorism, is expected to complicate the operation.

The Indonesians have agreed to supply us with information gleaned from their own surveillance efforts, but it remains to be seen how helpful this will be, or indeed, if they will permit us to conduct a vigorous search operation in their waters. The Indonesians have been quite vocal in their opposition to increased American patrols in their territory. President Lee is insistent, however, that we enforce "custodial management" of these waters in order to find and neutralize this extremely serious terrorist threat.

Author: Brad Leyte

JAPFISH1 – WestPac

Fish populations around the world have declined due to global warming, overfishing, and other factors. Japan has responded to dwindling catches by fishing closer and closer to parts of the Russian coast where fish are still relatively abundant. It is not clear whether Japanese fishing boats has actually violated Russian territorial waters or, if they have, how often it has happened, but Russia believes its territory is being violated.

The situation has become very tense. Russian fishermen have fired shots at Japanese fishing boats. Japan has responded by sending armed escorts to accompany fishing fleets. Russia has declared this an unacceptable provocation.

Author: Mark Gellis

FURY – WestPac

The People's Republic of China (PRC) has long intended to see through its policy of intended reunification with Taiwan, and often times engaged in angry warnings and military intimidation aimed at thwarting any possibility of the "rebel province" asserting independence. With Hong Kong and Macau having already returned to the embrace of the Motherland, the problem with Tawain is becoming more prominent as time goes on. And, despite an American policy of both arming, and if necessary, defending Taiwan against Chinese aggression, continuing close encounters across the straits make the danger of miscalculation enormous.

Author: Brad Leyte


The PRC missile and air attacks have pummeled our nation, causing a great deal of damage to our infrastructure and inflicting many civilian casualties. Most of our military airfields and facilities on the eastern coast have either been destroyed or captured, and consequently our remaining air and naval forces have retreated to the western side. The Americans are mobilizing to respond, and will soon begin operations in defence of the ROC. Even so, it is unclear how long we will be able to hold out, as the PRC forces have successfully conducted an amphibious landing and their troops are now fanning out across the island.

Author: Brad Leyte

PRVPRC1 - The Local Bully - WestPac
The PRC has occupied one of the disputed islands in the South China Sea. Any civilian shipping that has come close to the island has been harassed by the PLAN (People's Liberation Army Navy). Lately, some fishing vessels from the Philippines have been attacked by PLAN warships and attacks against Philippine vessels have increased in the past few weeks.

Analysts speculate that the PRC has chosen the Philippines to make an example out of due to its relatively modest military forces and possibly as a warning to Taiwan of the PRC's willingness to use military force.

PRVPRC2 – When Push Comes to Shove - WestPac
The Philippines are in an uproar over the destruction of their naval task group by the PLAN. Questions are being asked as to what the true mission of the task group was and the circumstances surrounding its destruction. The President of the Philippines has stated that the task group was sent to protect its fishing fleet and the attack was unprovoked. The Philippine government has filed a formal protest.

Meanwhile, the PRC is seizing this opportunity to "flex its muscles" and to send a message of its hegemony in the region, especially to Taiwan. The PRC asserts that its flotilla was attacked and approached in a hostile manner by Philippine warships and they only acted in self defense. They have declined to comment on the outpost that they are constructing in the Parcels. Furthermore, they have pledged to retaliate against the "act of aggression” perpetrated by the Armed Forces of the Philippines. Philippine military installations have been put on high alert.

PRVPRC3 – A Cry for Help - WestPac
A combined air and commando attack has crippled theArmed Forces of the Phillipines. The chain of command is in complete disarray and morale is at its lowest. The population is living in fear of the Chinese and the Philippine government has appealed to the international community for help. The Chinese are continuing to make intimidating statements and promising the continued use of force to make the point not to interfere in the Parcel Islands.

The navies of neighboring countries are responding to protect civilian shipping. The closest assets are 2 frigates from Japan and South Korea on a joint exercise

PRVPRC4 – Pushing Back - WestPac
The situation in the Parcel Islands continues to deteriorate. Fire has been exchanged between Chinese and Japanese and Korean naval vessels with each side blaming the other for instigating hostilities. The Chinese are still refusing to disclose the reason for their siezure and fortification of the islands and have insisted on remaining there. In fact, they have dispatched a large occupation force as a garrison for the island. The countries around the region have decided to impose a blockade around the island.

PRVPRC5 – Fight! - WestPac
The Chinese have declared that they are unwilling to abandon their outpost and are committed to defending it. The Allied nations have resolved to launch an assault on the island.

Launch the assault and destroy the Chinese base in the Parcel Islands. Neutralize any resistance

Author: Fred Galano

Operation Pedestal 2 – EC2003 IOPG Battleset

On April 15, India attacked Pakistan (through Kashmir) and the People's Republic of China (through Tibet). In response, on April 17, the US moved a combined carrier battle group/amhibious group into the Indian Ocean via the Sunda Strait as a show of force. India though, was unwilling to accept the US intervention in this conflict (as they had accepted in 1965 and 1971). The group was ambushed by two Indian Type-1500 submarines as they exited the southern end of Sunda Strait. In the action that followed, the carrier USS Enterprise (CVN-65) was heavily damaged by a combination of wake-homing torpedoes and sub-launched SM-39 Exocet missiles. In addition, an escort vessel was sunk by a pair of mines. With their way back through the strait blocked by mines, the group transited to the lagoon at Diego Garcia.

The Indians also conducted a series of assassinations around the region, including the naval commander of the US Persian Gulf Squadron. Shortly after this, the Indian government declared a Total Exclusion Zone (TEZ) for all aircraft and vessels running from 25N 62E (northwest corner) to 5S 62E (southwest corner) to 21N 94E (northeast corner) to 5S 94E (southeast corner), and all airspace over India, Pakistan, Tibet, and Bangladesh. In addition, they blocked the Suez Canal with blockships, and mined the Straits of Malacca, as well as the straits along the Java barrier.

Over the weekend of April 17/18, the United Nations Security Council quickly voted a series of sanctions and resolutions against India. One of these was a specific authorization for member nations to use "all appropriate force" to maintain freedom of navigation in all the common areas of the Indian Ocean, and all associated waters. With this tacit authorization for the use of force, the United States began to move forces into the region to break the Indian TEZ. The key to achieving this objective was maintaining Diego Garcia as a viable operating base. But during the buildup of air, ground, and naval forces, the resources of Diego Garcia were being sorely tasked. In particular, there was a shortage of refined petroleum products to power the aircraft, ships, and vehicles of what was now being called the Indian Ocean Squadron. While the stocks of refined petroleum products from the Maritime Preposition Squadron would last for a while, what was needed was a relief convoy that would supply the needs of the growing force at Diego Garcia.

With this goal in mind, as well as the desire to break the TEZ, the US put together a convoy of seven reflagged tankers (donated by the Kuwaiti government), escorted by a mixed force of US, British, and French warships (Task Force Pedestal).

In addition, the commander of the Indian Ocean Squadron assembled an escort group (Task Force Taffy-1) to go out, and help the convoy get through the "Black Hole" of the TEZ, where Allied land-based air cover could not reach. This escort group would be reinforced by an LHD equipped with F-35 JSTOLs, Harriers, ASW helicopters. The US government chose to publicize the transit of the convoy, in an attempt to show the world that the Indian government's "maritime terrorism" would not be tolerated. The Indian government responded by immediately dispatching almost their entire fleet to intercept the convoy. This included their two aircraft carriers, an independant surface action group, and several submarines. Like the US, they heavily publicized their actions, so as to show the world their ability to enforce the TEZ.

Author: Kelly Crawford

These scenarios can also be found on:
BAT90A1 Battle Ocean.zip
(10.86 KiB) Downloaded 1908 times
(14.8 KiB) Downloaded 2733 times
Forced Into a Corner.zip
(11.52 KiB) Downloaded 1919 times
Patriot Lane.zip
(9.3 KiB) Downloaded 1897 times
(6.56 KiB) Downloaded 1899 times
(10.12 KiB) Downloaded 1880 times
ROM10A1 Ukraine is not the Boss of Me!.zip
(4.82 KiB) Downloaded 1936 times
(4.27 KiB) Downloaded 1840 times
(9.88 KiB) Downloaded 1778 times
PEL10A1 Nicobar Waltz.zip
(7.25 KiB) Downloaded 1841 times
(10.86 KiB) Downloaded 1824 times
(10.69 KiB) Downloaded 1800 times
(3.69 KiB) Downloaded 1795 times
(9.9 KiB) Downloaded 1856 times
(9.25 KiB) Downloaded 1847 times
(21.21 KiB) Downloaded 1848 times
Operation Pedestal 2.zip
(7.27 KiB) Downloaded 1897 times
Herman Hum
Posts: 1318
Joined: Wed Oct 25, 2006 1:32 am

Harpoon Classic Scenarios

Postby Herman Hum » Sun Nov 26, 2006 6:24 am

Harpoon Classic Commanders Edition scenarios posted on HarPlonkHQ.

Scenario File Extension Guide

Predator or Prey – WestPac


Having taken responsibility for its own defence and in the face of increased dialogue and openness on the part of the North, the Republic of Korea has tacitly encouraged the departure of US troops from the Korean Peninsula. Responsibilities elsewhere have accelerated this re-deployment and re-shaped the American presence from a military force into a wholly diplomatic delegation. An end to the decades old stand-off between the two Koreas appears imminent, and yet something is not quite right about this new atmosphere of peace and re-unification. Key anti-Communist legislation was recently dismantled in Seoul and regular military exercises with the Americans have been called off this year due to financial pressures. While the mood seems ripe for reconciliation, everyone knows that a predator will always choose to strike when the prey is least expecting attack.

This scenario requires Harpoon Classic version 16b10 or later and also the HCDB_060207 or later in order to function properly.

Author: Brad Leyte

The Ninth Immortal – WestPac


War with the People's Republic of China is several days old, and going well. So well, in fact, that there are signs of severe fractures in the political structure in Beijing. National Command Authority is becoming increasingly concerned that the PRC may raise the stakes and risk nuclear escalation rather than face humiliation. Satellite reconnaissance indicates a brand new Chinese ballistic missile submarine is preparing to go to sea.

This scenario requires Harpoon Classic version 16b10 or later and also the HCDB_060207 or later in order to function properly.

Author: Brad Leyte

Get Your Goat - EC2003 MEDC


Relations between Spain and Morocco deteriorated after the departure of the Socialist government in Madrid thereby re-opening numerous old wounds. A brief, but anxious, confrontation in July 2002 had failed to resolve a long-standing quarrel over certain disputed territories in the Strait of Gibraltar, principally among them Leila (called Isla Perejil in Spain), Ceuta, and Melilla. Morocco now claimed sovereignty over all three areas, declaring that Spain should be satisfied enough with its claim to the Canary Islands. In reply, Spain has renewed a permanent military presence at Ceuta that had not existed there since 1960, asserting not only its 400 year old territorial claim, but also contending it had a "responsibility" to guard the region against illegal immigrants, smugglers, and terrorists who might exploit the strategic value of the Strait of Gibraltar.

NATO and the EU, pre-occupied with a host of their own problems, declared the matter a bi-lateral dispute and refused to intervene. The Arab League, however, already exasperated with perceived European insensitivities to Arab issues, pledged vigorous support for Morocco's claim. Notable among these advocates was Algeria. Relations between Morocco and Algeria had improved significantly after the two nations were able to reach an agreement regarding the Talsint oil field and the issue of Western Saharan separatism. The only question remaining was how far each of them was willing to go.

This scenario requires Harpoon Classic version 16b10 or later and also the HCDB_060207 or later in order to function properly.

Author: Brad Leyte

The Java Sea Incident – WestPac.


It is the early 1990s and Indonesia has become increasingly hostile towards its international neighbors. In the last six months, there have been several incidents in the region, including the sinking of a fishing boat the Indonesians claimed refused to stop when challenged by one of its frigates. Three weeks ago, two Singaporean A-4s were shot down when they strayed into Indonesian airspace.

A large shipment of arms is on its way from Russia to Jakarta. Singapore and Australia are increasingly concerned about Indonesia and its long term plans for the region and have decided that this shipment must not be allowed to arrive.

This scenario requires Harpoon Classic version 16b08 or later and also the HCDB_060212 or later in order to function properly.

Author: Mark Gellis

Beida-La Boom - EC2003 MEDC


History is full of interesting surprises. The mercurial leader of Libya, having made much of his reputation as a foe of the West, ultimately decided that the future of his country (and his own future) might be secured more easily by adopting a policy of moderation. He was promptly ousted and forced into exile.

The new regime is openly hostile to the West. Its ultimate goal is to dominate North and Central Africa and it has started an aggressive campaign of purchasing weapons from nations such as China, North Korea, Russia, and Iran. In addition, it has purchased materials necessary for the creation of chemical and biological weapons.

This scenario requires Harpoon Classic version 16b10 or later and also the HCDB_060308 for maximum efficiency.

Author: Mark Gellis

Refugee - EC2003 GIUK


During the summer of 1975, along the Mecklenburg coastline, a sport boat, with 4 persons aboard, managed to make its way free to the high sea. Thanks to the cover of dusk, she escaped security forces from the GBK.
Despite the DDR's best efforts, the sport boat managed to get to a BGS patrol boat. The East Germans asked to be brought aboard as they wanted to go the West. One hour later, two GBK boats rushed after the Duderstadt and tried to stop her. However, the BGS boat managed to escape since it was already in international waters near West Germany.

Author: René Haar

This scenario requires Harpoon Classic version 16b11 or later and also the HCDBEuro_060322 or later in order to function properly.

United They Sail - EC2003 IOPG


The Middle East has seen many shifts in alliances and political friendships over the years. Recently, Iran has become increasingly hostile to many of its neighbors in the region, which it describes as "puppets of the West." After the U.A.E. openly criticized Iran about its policies and suggested OPEC take action against Iran for its support of groups like Hamas, Iranian leaders threatened that the U.A.E. would pay for its "treachery."

Author: Mark Gellis

This scenario requires Harpoon Classic version 16b11 or later and also the HCDB_060316 or later in order to function properly.

Labrador Lightning - EC2003 NACV


The collapse of fish populations around the world due to overfishing has created serious international friction. This is particularly true in the Atlantic. More and more often, European fishing boats have illegally entered Canadian waters. Canada has attempted to resolve the issue via diplomatic channels, but without success.

Two months ago, the Canadian people elected a new government. The new Prime Minister warned that Canada would deal harshly with illegal fishing. Barely a month later, Canadian warships sank three Spanish fishing boats in the Labrador Sea; twenty Spanish sailors perished in the icy waters.

Spain has declared it will not tolerate these barbarous acts. It has warned Canada that its fishing fleets will now be protected by naval vessels and that any Canadian warships approaching them will be fired on. Other European nations have also expressed their outrage at these events. Whether they will assist Spain in any Atlantic operations remains to be seen. The United States has tried to serve as a moderator and ease tensions between Canada and Spain, but has met with little success to date.

Author: Mark Gellis

This scenario requires Harpoon Classic version 16b11 or later and also the HCDB_060522 or later in order to function optimally.

Operation Island Wind - WestPac


North Korea has recently been threatening to test a long range ballistic missile, shrugging off the concerns of the world community. Despite the threat of sanctions, they have persisted with preparations.

Author: Akula

This scenario requires Harpoon Classic version 16b11 or later and also the HCDB_060615 or later in order to function optimally.

Cruise Control - EC2003 MEDC


Following the Israeli-Lebanese War of 2006, Lebanon was left weakened and unstable. Syria felt it was in its best interests to occupy the country. Beirut has come under attack and American forces are scrambling to rescue refugees.

This scenario requires Harpoon Classic version 16b14 or later and also the HCDB_060614 for maximum efficiency.

Author: Mark Gellis

SZO file archives - Home of the Harpoon3 PlayersDB

Storsjoodjuret - EC2003 GIUK


The worst case scenario for Sweden has just come to pass. Failed promises of prosperity after EU integration, combined with persistent high unemployment, have suddenly brought down the government in Finland and replaced it with one friendly to an aggressive Russian Federation. Russian armed forces have been granted access to Finnish airspace and territory as part of a mutual defence pact. This includes the Aland Islands, which are rumoured to have been "leased" (some say sold) to Russia, and already military forces are reported to be digging in around the islands and constructing fortifications there. This is extremely alarming to Sweden, whose protests have gone unanswered in Helsinki and Moscow.

Author: Brad Leyte

These scenarios require the HCDB_060103 and the HCCE release b10 for maximum efficiency.

Constant Glance - EC2003 MEDC


Relations between the Ukraine and Russia have degraded into a shooting war after a prolonged dispute over gas supplies. Elements of the US-Eastern European Task Force (EETAF), established at a forward location in Romania, are being called into action to support and defend the West friendly government in Ukraine.

Author: Brad Leyte

These scenarios require the HCDB_060103 and the HCCE release b10 for maximum efficiency.

Stage Fright Pt. II - EC2003 IOPG


Chinese political influence over the path of the Asian Super Highway has threatened plans for the future expansion of Indian trade ties in Indochina. China has convinced Bangladesh and Myanmar that their economic interests would be better served by linking Chittagong with a trilateral road network with Myanmar and Kunming in China. While the Super Highway is being purpose built to advance multilateral commerce, China has been keen to extract military advantages. There is strong Indian opposition to the Chinese "meddling" in plans that they had already believed finalized. In reply, the PRC has followed up on its political pressures by convincing both Bangladesh and Myanmar to participate in high level "joint" military exercises on very short notice.

Author: Brad Leyte

These scenarios require the HCDB_060103 and the HCCE release b10 for maximum efficiency.

Last Stan - EC2003 IOPG


Iran's stubborn refusal to submit to the authority of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) with regard to its nuclear program led to its emergency reference to the UN Security Council. Resolutions aimed at sanctioning Iran and leaving the door open for further action were vetoed by both Russia and China. The EU3 (France, Germany and the UK) and the United States nevertheless pressed ahead with their cooperative efforts to find a way to bring punitive action against Iran. The debacle in Pakistan, however, badly aggravated the situation. US intelligence discovered (thanks to a tip from the Mossad) that Pakistan had covertly assisted in the escape of mastermind Osama bin Laden across the border into Iran, and that the Al Qaida mastermind was now rebuilding its terror camps with the help of Tehran. The apparent link between terrorism and the Iranian nuclear program was too much for the EU/US coalition to accept, and the wheels were put into motion to put a stop to Iran's nuclear ambitions. Russia, China and Pakistan denied there was sufficient evidence of any such link, and vowed to oppose any aggression against Iran that had no Security Council support.

Author: Brad Leyte

These scenarios require the HCDB_060103 and the HCCE release b10 for maximum efficiency.

Blame it on the Kellys - EC2003 WestPac


A growing dispute between Indonesia and Papua-New Guinea about rights to a newly discovered uranium deposit on their mutual border has led to the intervention of China and Australia on opposite sides. China, eager to gain access to the uranium, has sent a sizeable force into the region to support the Indonesian claim. Indonesia has likewise shifted considerable military assets eastward into the disputed area. Overflights of Papua-New Guinea airspace by unknown (and presumably Chinese) aircraft have already been reported. Meanwhile, Australia is moving to support its old colony, and New Zealand is pledging assistance.

Author: Brad Leyte

These scenarios require the HCDB_060103 and the HCCE release b10 for maximum efficiency.

My Pet Dragon - EC2003 WestPac


The European Union has long been unhappy with American economic and military sanctions against the People's Republic of China. In recent years, the EU has grown increasingly concerned that the sanctions were unduly stifling European prosperity by blocking access to a huge market. The EU continued to bring diplomatic pressure to bear on Washington as the sanctions dragged on, hoping that eventually they would be lifted. Instead, when American intelligence community insisted that it had discovered an apparent link between China and the Iranian nuclear weapons program, the sanctions were tightened, much to the chagrin of the EU. The focus has now shifted away from diplomacy, and the EU is determined to exploit potential economic opportunities in the PRC. Cargo ships are now enroute from the EU to China, carrying Ariane 5 rocket components from France and Type 212 submarine technology from Germany. The convoy is defended. The Americans are incensed and vow to stop the shipment.

Author: Brad Leyte

These scenarios require the HCDB_060103 and the HCCE release b10 for maximum efficiency.

Thirst for Victory - EC2003 WestPac


The relationship between Singapore and Malaysia has never been particularly great, due in large part to historical sensitivities, some stemming from the time of their separation in 1965. Diplomatic level interventions by Australian in the 1980s (through the Five Power Defence Arrangement, or FPDA) helped to encourage better dialogue and cooperation, particularly in defence matters, but there remains an underlying friction between Singaporeans and Malays. Modern era difficulties include unresolved territorial and airspace disputes, customs and immigration issues, new cross-border bridges and railways, and the continued reliance of Singapore upon fresh water supplies from Malaysia.

A devastating terrorist attack on an liquefied natural gas (LNG) tanker in the Malacca Straits served to aggravate these tensions, especially after Singapore called upon US Navy assistance to begin more closely patrolling the region's waterways. This did not sit well at all with Malaysia and Indonesia, both of whom held the bulk of the territorial claim to the Malacca Straits. Indonesia reacted by shutting down its brand new water pipelines to Singapore, and after huge anti-Singapore and anti-America protests in the streets of Kuala Lumpur, the Malaysian government followed suit. The Tuas desalinization plant and the reservoir at Marina Bay were then contaminated in a new terrorist attack, and suddenly the tiny nation of Singapore was plunged into crisis.

Author: Brad Leyte

These scenarios require the HCDB_060103 and the HCCE release b10 for maximum efficiency.

Waking the God of the Dead - EC2003 IOPG


It has been said in recent years that modern warfare clearly favors the attacker. Whether true or not it is true, it is also said that this perception may encourage countries to favour pre-emption. It is certainly clear from recent conflicts that early battles usually determine the success of entire campaigns, and in fact, a highly successful pre-emptive strike may prevent (or at least delay) future war. Israel is no stranger to pre-emption. In the late 1970s, Iraq persuaded France to construct a research reactor near Baghdad. This light water nuclear reactor was named Osiraq by the French, an amalgam of the name of the Egyptian god of the dead, Osiris, with that of Iraq. This expansion of Iraqi nuclear know-how was alarming to Israel, so much so that when Israeli intelligence discovered Baghdad's intent to use Osiraq to produce weapons, the decision was made to attack and destroy the facility before it went hot. In the words of the then Chief of Staff of the Israel Defence Forces: "The alternative is our destruction".

On 7 June 1981, the elite pilots of the IDF/AF finally spotted their target after a long low level flight through neighboring Jordanian and Saudi airspace. In little over a minute, the gleaming dome of the Osiraq reactor had been ruined by a rain of 2,000 lb iron bombs. The attack raised considerable debate over the legitimacy of anticipatory self-defence and the application of international law. Years later, when Desert Storm swept through the Gulf, the Iraqi nuclear site was struck again. But it wasn't until the concluding days of the campaign, after some nine different air strikes, that the ability of the facility to conduct nuclear research or processing was severely degraded.

Now, 25 years after the Osiraq raid, Israel once again faces a monumental decision about the value of pre-emption. Iran is pressing ahead with nuclear research despite broad international opposition and concern about it possibly acquiring nuclear weapons. The Iranian leader has called for Israel to be "wiped off the map". It’s time to wake that old god of the dead.

Author: Brad Leyte

These scenarios require the HCDB_060103 and the HCCE release b10 for maximum efficiency.

Pinger Charlie - EC2003 GIUK


During the Cold War, the Baltic Sea was the "playground" of maritime reconnaissance and electronic surveillance assets of both NATO and the Warsaw Pact. Both sides employed their assets to continuously monitor each other's activities. The West German Naval Air Arm's Atlantic maritime patrol aircraft (MPA) of Marinefliegergeschwader 3 (MFG3) "Graf Zeppelin", based at Nordholz, flew continuous patrols over the Baltic Sea and Danish approaches to monitor the buildup of Soviet naval forces which would have to transit through these waters to reach the North Atlantic. The area was vital to NATO's overall defence strategy, which depended on countering any offensive brought by Warsaw Pact forces in the event of war. ASW operations in the region were all the more difficult by constantly changing temperatures, the salinity of the shallow water, and numerous shipwrecks. ["Pinger Charlie" is the nickname given to a certain sonobuoy pattern used by MFG3 Atlantics].

Author: Brad Leyte

These scenarios require the HCDB_060103 and the HCCE release b10 for maximum efficiency.

Shroud Over Turin - EC2003 MEDC


The eruption of a new civil war in the Balkans on the eve of the XX Winter Olympics drastically complicated European efforts at achieving security in Torino. The air forces of Switzerland and Italy were already working closely to ensure the Games were safe from terrorist attack, but the sudden outbreak of armed conflict on their doorstep was completely unexpected. Their accord did not cover military threats. The situation in the Balkans was still very unclear, but it appeared that several of the former territories of Yugoslavia were ganging up on Slovenia. Preliminary intelligence analysis indicated that the conflict may be rooted in tensions arising from Slovenia having joined NATO in March 2004, and if this was in fact the case, the possibility of attacks against neighboring NATO countries cannot be ruled out. The aggressors are warning against outside intervention, and previously little known factions within the former Yugoslav republics are threatening attack against the Games should NATO interfere.

Author: Brad Leyte

These scenarios require the HCDB_060103 and the HCCE release b10 for maximum efficiency.

Bad Moon Rising – WestPac


The launch of a Chinese lunar module experiment has failed, with the spacecraft returning to earth somewhere in the central Sea of Okhotsk (according to USAF Space Command). What is alarming, however, is that a scientist from the Chinese space program has defected to Japan, and he has some ominous news. He claims that the rocket was actually carrying an anti-satellite weapon that was being launched by the PRC as a prelude to an impending attack against Taiwan. The race is on to recover the module.

Author: Brad Leyte

These scenarios require the HCDB_060103 and the HCCE release b10 for maximum efficiency.

Prelude – WestPac


Admiral Chen Loo looked over the morning paper with terse disbelief. Taiwanese intelligence had recently delivered corroborated evidence that an oil exploration team working for a joint Chinese/Philipino consortium and using the latest petroleum exploration techniques had confirmed the existance of enormous oil and natural gas deposits in the contested South China Sea. His ROC naval intelligence officer had immediately tied this to recent activities in the region which made an offensive operation to claim the disputed area a distinct possibility.

Monitoring assets had detected shipping activities preparing for embarkation in Guangzhou that included troops, weapons, and equipment earmarked for apparently mundane purposes, but all focusing on operations in the South China Sea. Believing it too much to be a coincidence, Admiral Chen had recommended subtle shifts in the

Taiwanese defense posture to guard against a sudden Chinese incursion. Although the national leadership had agreed, they also showed great concern about the growing ties between the Chinese and Filipino governments. China had invested heavily in the Philippines as of late, including the renovation of the old US Navy Subic Bay facility in Luzon- ostensibly to support 'resource recovery operations'- and the provision of older Chinese patrol vessels and F-7M Airguard aircraft to supplement the Filipino military. Against Admiral Chen's wishes, they had brokered a deal with Malaysia, who also had a claim on the contested region, and aligned with them to repel any Chinese mischief.

Now all his careful subterfuge was for naught. The headlines of the morning papers across Asia blared the news of the massive oil find, leaked to the public by a disgruntled survey worker. The cat was out of the bag and China would be moving quickly to consolidate their hold on the chain of islands, reefs, and cays that would solidify their claim on the energy reserves.

The Spratly Islands - Admiral Chen looked to the situation board. His initial forces were still in transit. The Chinese had several warships sortie and the transports he had been watching sailed from their southern ports. More concerning was the sudden increase in activity flaring at the Chinese military facilities across the Taiwan Strait. Knowing that “the jig was up”, they were escalating issues here to pin down Taiwanese forces and keep them from responding in the Spratlys.

His eyes focused on a small speck in the middle of the South China Sea. Taiping Island, barely a kilometer square, was the largest land mass in the region. It was Taiwan's only possession in the Spratlys and a direct affront to the Chinese claim. Grabbing his hat, Admiral Chen hurried for the operations center.

This scenario requires Harpoon Classic version 16b10 or later and also the HCDB_060103 or later in order to function properly.

Author: Christopher Stoner

Med Maul - EC2003 MEDC Battleset


SITREP: PACT Forces have crossed the intra-German border and attack US forces worldwide. Currently, there is fighting in Europe, the Red Sea, South China Seas, and in and around Japan. You are hereby assigned to assume command of task force 60 and secure your forces in their areas. Currently, Soviet forces are in full move across the theatre as assumed by NATO OP Plan 99-04. As of yet, there has been no use of NBC weapons in this theatre or any other where US/NATO forces are currently engaging Soviet/PACT forces. Due to attacks against French shipping in the Kiel Canal and against French harbors, France is honoring her Atlantic Alliance agreements and has turned over some of her forces to your local command. Libyan forces are currently stepping up mobilization. Syrian forces and Islamic terrorists have begun massive mobilization in Lebanaon and along the Golan Heights. CIA and DIA analysis believe that the Syrians and Islamic groups may attack Israel to keep her busy during this confilct and limit her ability to help us. Soviet, Bulgarian, Romanian forces have landed or crossed the borders of both Greece and Turkey. It is believed that they are trying to secure free access of the straits in and out of the Black Sea. At this time, Yugoslavia and Austria have both declared their neutrality in this conflict. Do Not Attack or violate their neutrality.

Author: Charles Berlemann

Please direct all comments to: berlemannc@att.net

Foothold - EC2003 MEDC Battleset


Following independence from France in 1956, President Habib Bourguiba established a strict one-party state. He dominated the country for 31 years, repressing Islamic fundamentalism and establishing rights for women unmatched by any other Arab nation.Tunisia has a diverse economy, with important agricultural, mining, energy, tourism, and manufacturing sectors. Located in a strategic location in central Mediterranean; Malta and Tunisia are discussing the commercial exploitation of the continental shelf between their countries, particularly for oil exploration.

A Magnitude 7.2 Earthquake has hit the Kairouan region in central Tunisia. In an emergency session of the UN, the Tunis Government has requested international aid of food, water and civil and structural engineers. The Tunisian Army is stretched to the limit at this time trying to re-establish order.

In an astounding announcement at the UN table, it seems that Libya is making threatening overtones to block all aid underway to Tunisia. Following France's reluctance to put it's navy in harm's way to aid an ungrateful colony, the United Kingdom has agreed to provide an escort for the humanitarian ships now assembling at Portsmouth.

Author: Daren Lorentz

Thunder Dragon Meets Gold Eagle- WestPac


One of the most significant obstacles to a forced reunification between the PRC and the Republic of China (ROC, commonly referred to as Taiwan) is the US Navy. The presence of a US Navy carrier strike group in the vicinity would pose a very serious danger to PRC military action. Does the PRC possess the capability to neutralize the threat? Try it and see for yourself.

Author: Brad Leyte

LaGrange Six - EC2003 MEDC


LaGrange points are intersections in space where gravitational and centrifugal forces balance out to provide orbital stability. There are five known LaGrange points, but if there were a sixth, within the context of world history and geopolitics, it might be found in Europe.

In this scenario, the ties and alliances between a host of European nations (old and new, alike) have broken down. War has broken out once again between newly reformed states, failed states, and age-old enemies. This time, the relationships evidenced by NATO, the EU and the like, have also crumbled. France, Germany, Italy, Russia, Bulgaria, Romania, and Slovakia have joined the battle on the side of Croatia, while the US, UK, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, and the Ukraine have pledged to support Macedonia and the Former Yugoslavia.

Peacekeeping in the region is no longer a viable option, and American and British forces are now being pulled out in an effort to avoid to impending quagmire...

My Love is Vengeance - EC2003 IOPG


The civil war in Iraq has spawned a multitude of terrorist organizations and networks, eclipsing the old enemy Al Qaeda and fostering new predilections among Middle Eastern states. Yemen has since turned its back on the USA, refusing to continue the pursuit and prosecution of suspected terrorists operating in its territory. There are now in fact strong indications that Yemen is harboring and propping up the terror networks. In a strange but somehow gratifying twist of fate, the USS Cole has returned to the scene of the crime perpetrated against her, this time to exact justice from the terrorists.

Third Idea - WestPac

Negative sentiments flowing from Japan's role in the Second World War continue to run deep in Asia, even six decades later. This remains especially true in China. Nevertheless, Beijing took steps to rein in vehement anti-Japanese rallies in the spring of 2005, ostensibly with the intention of protecting its own internal stability. And yet there was a deeper strategy at work. A newly revitalized relationship between Russia and the PRC, on both economic and defence levels, resulted in a joint plan to seize a commanding position in the Asian sphere of influence. The only obstacles (?) were Japan and its ally, the United States.

Author: Brad Leyte

Stage Fright - EC2003 IOPG


Chinese political influence over the path of the Asian Super Highway has threatened plans for the future expansion of Indian trade ties in Indochina. China has convinced Bangladesh and Myanmar that their economic interests would be better served by linking Chittagong with a tri-lateral road network with Myanmar and Kunming in China. While the Super Highway is being purpose-built to advance multi-lateral commerce, China has been keen to extract military advantages. There is strong Indian opposition to the Chinese "meddling" in plans that they had already believed finalized. In reply, the PRC has followed up on its political pressures by convincing both Bangladesh and Myanmar to participate in high level "joint" military exercises on very short notice.

Crimean River - EC2003 MEDC


Our support of the Ukraine in its border conflict with Russia has broken up most of the enemy offensive, except in the Crimea, where the war is bogging down. Intelligence indicates that many Russian units are no longer getting consistent support or orders from Moscow and that some isolated groups of Russian forces are either surrendering or "melting away". There is, unfortunately, at least one exception. A rogue general in the Crimea has taken the opportunity to seize a nuclear powerplant. His intentions are unknown, but he and his compatriots are known to have ties to the criminal underworld in the Caucasus region. Our fear is that he may begin disassembly of the nuclear facility and sell weapons grade nuclear material to the highest bidder. The reactor and its support facilities must therefore be disabled or destroyed.

Author: Brad Leyte



It is 1990 and the world is at war. The Soviet Union has invaded and occupied Iran. The United States and its allies demanded that the Soviet Union remove its forces from Iran immediately and threatened to use force if necessary.

The Soviet Union responded with a series of lightning strikes that destroyed a large number of military bases in Europe. The Soviets then initiated a massive campaign of submarine warfare designed to cripple the West. Their goal does not appear to be to invade Europe but to leave the West so weak that it will be unable to force them out of Iran until their control of that country effectively becomes the status quo.

Author: Mark Gellis

Black Valour - EC2003 MEDC


A few years in the future... Tensions between Turkey and its neighbors in the Black Sea region have increased during recent years. The causes have ranged from trade issues to environmental concerns. Romania has been among the most vocal in its protests against Turkey, going so far as to threaten the use of force if Turkey continues to interfere with its international agenda. The situation has been made more serious because Ukraine has declared itself a guardian of the slavic Black Sea nations and has made it clear that Turkish aggression against any of these nations, even those it has squabbled with in the past, will not be tolerated. A few months ago, Romania purchased long-range ballistic missiles from China.

Author: Mark Gellis

Crete Convoy - EC2003 MEDC


It is 1990 and the world is at war. America and its allies are gradually preparing to liberate Iran from the Soviet Union, which invaded that country earlier this year. Several allies of the Soviet Union have declared their support for the Soviet invasion.

Blue Orders:
Convoy AAS (Flag Robison) should proceed to the waters off the southern shore of Crete in preparation for a rendevous with other vessels. Once at the rendevous point, you will receive additional orders. Libya has declared its support of the Soviet invasion of Iran. It is possible that Libyan aircraft, surface vessels, or submarines will attempt to attack your convoy. Soviet submarines may also be in your area.

Greek aircraft are available to provide air support for your convoy. You are free to fire on either Libyan or Soviet assets if they attack or appear to threaten the convoy or allied assets. You are not directed at this time to attack Libyan territory.

This scenario requires Harpoon Classic version 16b9 or later and also the HCDB_060103 or later in order to function properly.
Author: Mark Gellis

BAT90B1 - EC2003 GIUK Battleset

It is 1990 and the world is at war. England is in jeopardy. As in the last two World Wars, the enemy is attempting to bring England to its knees by denying it access to the sea lanes and to the food and oil that an island nation of seventy million people must have to avoid starvation and industrial collapse.

As part of the war effort, convoys carrying food, oil, and goods are in transit from the United States to England. And, as one might expect, the Soviet Union is very interested in making sure these ships never reach the British Isles.

Author: Mark Gellis


COLDNO1 - EC2003 NACV Battleset

The Russian military has been experiencing a loss of discipline and an increase in the number of desertions and mutinies among its ranks brought on by little or no pay and loss of morale. Of late, several older ex-Soviet warships that were laid up prior to de-commissioning have turned up missing. More disturbing is the fact that the ammunition for these warships stored in a nearby warehouse, prior to their destruction, has also turned up missing.

In another development, oil has been discovered in and around the coast of northern Greenland and several oil rigs and a base camp have been set up. Contact has been lost with the whole operation. It is feared that an unknown force has seized the facilities. NATO has been tasked to investigate

Author: Fred Galano

This scenario requires Harpoon Classic version 16b7 or later and also the HCDB_050123 or later in order to function properly.


MedWar1 – EC2003 MEDC

The Eastern Mediterranean has erupted into chaos. Israel's enemies Syria and Libya have decided to wipe Israel from the map. Meanwhile, the Egyptian government has been accused by Libya of being "a traitor to the Arab cause" and is massing troops along the common border. Intelligence sources have been observing an increase in readiness levels of both Libya and Syria in the past few months. In addition, both governments have purchased a large amount of Soviet equipment.

In an unforeseen development, Soviet paratroopers and Marines have taken over the Suez Canal zone in a "caretaker and peacekeeping" mission in order to "protect the canal until regional tension abates." The United Nations has condemned this action and is demanding the withdrawal of Soviet forces from the region. Intelligence sources have observed a large number of Soviet reserve forces being mobilized and returned to active service. In addition several Northern Fleet units have entered the Mediterranean Sea supposedly headed towards Sevastopol for overhaul. Contact has been lost with these units.

This scenario requires Harpoon Classic version 16b7 or later and also the HCDB_050123 or later in order to function properly.

Author: Fred Galano


MCMForceNorth – EC2003 GIUK

In the Baltic, especally in the northeast and east, there are many mines and torpedos laid or fired in WWII which have not yet been cleared. After the cold war, a multi-national Force has been sent. MCMForceNorth is one of the NATO standing naval forces.

You must clear 5 mines at a minimum and 10 for total victory. Do not forget that we are in peacetime so do not shoot down a red plane or ship! Also neutral forces should not be involved in MCM action. Perhaps there is still another small bad surprise!

Author: René Haar

This scenario requires Harpoon Classic version 16b7 or later and also the HCDB_050123 or later in order to function properly.


SubHunt – EC2003 GIUK

The Baltic Sea has long been a highly disputed area. With Soviet claims for access to the Atlantic independent of the ice region, this is unlikely to change in the future. Unfortunately, the Baltic is also a strategic waterway; providing a key maritime link between Russian oil fields, coal mines, and their foreign customers.

It has many choke points such as the Cadet channel, Copenhagen / the belt, and sound areas, for example. The former Soviet Baltic Fleet was caught in a big Mousetrap. Only their submarines could some times try to escape through the only deep waterway. Therefore, it was one of the most important tasks for the German and Danish Navies to keep the Warsaw Pact Navies within this trap.

Here, in this scenario, some red diesel subs try to make it througt the belt waters out to the Kattegat. NATO is going to stop them. The time of this scenario is somewhere in 1970-1980; so no modern ASW-weapons are available.

Author: René Haar

This scenario requires Harpoon Classic version 16b7 or later and also the HCDB_050123 or later in order to function properly.


BAT90B2 - EC2003 GIUK Battleset

It is 1990 and the world is at war. The Soviet Union has invaded and occupied Iran. In response, the United States and many of its allies have declared war on the Soviet Union. One of the objectives of the Soviet Union is to destroy oil rigs in the North Sea, as this will cause serious economic and strategic harm to the United Kingdom and the rest of Europe. The less oil the West has, the more difficult it will be for them to defeat the Soviet Union. Early in the war, the Soviets attacked Norway, damaging many military installations and capturing others in the north of that country. They are now using some of those bases to attack Western forces.

Author: Mark Gellis

This scenario requires Harpoon Classic version 16b7 or later and also the HCDB_050123 or later in order to function properly.


WW III - WestPac Battleset

Chaos is rampant in the Pacific. Japan and Russia are engaged over a large find of oil reserves at Sakhalin Island. China must crush Hong Kong secessionists who have declared their independence; failure is not an option as Taiwan and others would surely follow suit. North Korean brinksmanship is at a new peak. DPRK forces are massed at the border and threatening to invade the ROK unless Pyongyang is granted an impossible package of economic concessions. In short, every hot spot in the region is about to boil over!

Author: Fred Galano

This scenario requires Harpoon Classic version 16b7 or later and also the HCDB_050123 or later in order to function properly.


Part III: Resolve - WestPac Battleset

The destruction of the PLAN convoy near Daishan has effectively prevented the reinforcement of PRC troops already landed in Taiwan, and within the last few days, most of these troops have either surrendered or been destroyed. Marines from the Essex ARG have landed ashore and are assisting Taiwanese Army forces in mopping up PRC resistance. Meanwhile, air strikes from the Chinese mainland have been considerably reduced in volume and intensity. Intelligence and media reports indicate a great deal of confusion - some say chaos - in Beijing, and HUMINT sources say there is a power struggle underway between revisionist democratic leaders and the governing party. While this is promising in some respects, there is also an associated danger. The Chinese ballistic missile base at Datong shows signs of increased activity. Indeed, it appears the base will be fully operational and ready to launch its missiles within 48 hours. It is possible that hardliners have issued orders for the isolated base to commence a ballistic missile attack upon enemies of the PRC.

Author: Brad Leyte

This scenario requires Harpoon Classic version 16b7 or later and also the HCDB_050305 or later in order to function properly.


In Self Defence - WestPac Battleset

The failure to implement a comprehensive peace treaty between Japan and the Soviet Union after the end of the Second World War has acted as an obstacle to the resolution of an outstanding territorial dispute over the Kuril Archipelago. In recent years, the Russian attitude toward the issue appears to have moved toward one of consolidating control rather than giving up the territory. Now, the Russians have moved significant military forces into Etorofu, and it appears they are bent on consolidating their illegal hold. A Japanese fishing vessel has gone missing in the area of Shikotan. The Japanese Self-Defence Forces have been mobilized.

Author: Brad Leyte

This scenario requires Harpoon Classic version 16b7 or later and also the HCDB_050314 or later in order to function properly.


Continental Connection - BAT10B11 - EC2003 GIUK

A few years in the future... French intelligence operatives have learned that Russia plans to sell a number of older tactical nuclear weapons to their allies in the Third World. The European Union has demanded that Russia abandon the plan. Russia has responded by insisting that the French have been misled by unreliable sources. However, satellite photographs reveal that a convoy consisting of Russian warships and merchants has just entered the Norwegian Sea.

All available E.U. forces (including Danish aircraft that have been scrambled to Vagar) are directed to patrol the Norwegian Sea and intercept a Russian convoy believed to be escorting a merchant vessel carrying nuclear weapons for sale in the Third World.

This scenario requires Harpoon Classic version 16b7 or later and also the HCDB_050327 or later in order to function properly.

Author: Mark Gellis


Kilo Krush – BAT10D1 - EC2003 MEDC

A few years in the future... Libya has purchased two Kilo-class submarines from Russia. The European Union does not wish the transfer to take place. There is serious concern in the E.U. that the new government of Libya is too hostile to the West and that these submarines represent a potential threat the European merchant fleets and military forces.

Libya refuses to reconsider the deal, claiming that since it has abandoned its WMD programs, it has every right to expand its conventional forces. (In fact, there are persistent indications that Libya is again involved in terrorism and the development of chemical and even nuclear weapons.)

Russia has declared that the E.U. has no right to interfere with its arms deals. It has also issued a stern warning that, since Russian crews are currently on board the Kilos, any attack against these submarines will be seen as an attack on Russia. The United States is remaining neutral on this issue.

This scenario requires Harpoon Classic version 16b7 or later and also the HCDB_050327 or later in order to function properly.

Author: Mark Gellis


Operation Spanish Fury - BAT10D2 - EC2003 MEDC

A few years in the future... Revolutions in Algeria, Libya, and Egypt have left these countries in the grip of radical Islamic governments that are hostile to the United States and the European Union.

In recent months, there have been a number of terrorist attacks in Spain. While the Algerian government is not directly responsible for these attacks, they have fostered an atmosphere of hatred against the E.U. and they have done nothing to prevent terrorists from organizing and training in their country. Spain has decided to destroy three command bunkers in Algeria in retaliation for the recent terrorist attacks. The purpose of this attack is not only to reduce the effectiveness of the Algerian military but also to send their government a message.

Author: Mark Gellis


This scenario requires Harpoon Classic version 16b7 or later and also the HCDB_050510 or later in order to function properly.

Emerald Action – BAT10C3 - EC2003 GIUK

Recent ecological factors have led to the collapse of fish populations around the world. The European Union has decided to treat certain regions of the Atlantic Ocean as "fallow zones" in the hopes that fish populations will recover and a worldwide food crisis will be avoided. Not all nations recognize these Fallow Zones, though...

Norwegian fishing boats have once again entered Fallow Zones to the west of Ireland. Irish forces are directed to locate these fishing boats and seize them; if they attempt to flee, sink them. These boats must not be allowed to return to Norway. Norway is aware that the E.U. is ready to use force against its fishing boats. A Norwegian frigate may be on patrol in these waters. Avoid this warship. She carries anti-surface missiles and your vessels are unlikely to survive an encounter with her.

This scenario requires Harpoon Classic version 16b7 or later and also the HCDB_050510 or later in order to function properly.

Author: Mark Gellis


Roman Thunder - WestPac

A few years in the future... Tensions between Algeria and the E.U. have increased. Algeria is now controlled by a religious dictatorship that is hostile to the West. The E.U. believes Algeria is responsible for several recent terrorist attacks in Europe. Current thinking in Europe is that the most likely solution to the problem is regime change.

Intelligence officers have been in communication with a coalition of rebel groups in Algeria--it would probably be too much to call them pro-Western, but they would certainly be an improvement over the current lot. They will view an E.U. attack as a signal to initiate their own attacks against the Algerian government. If the rebels can overthrow the current regime, it may mark the start of a period of improved relations with Algeria.

This scenario requires Harpoon Classic version 16b7 or later and also the HCDB_050812 or later in order to function properly.

Author: Mark Gellis


Qian Kong Kuai - WestPac

"The Senkaku/Diaoyu islands comprise small volcanic islands and three rocky outcrops at the eastern edge of the East China Sea. The dispute between China and Japan over their sovereignty goes back 500 years, and with the potential of huge offshore oil and gas reserves in the region, shows no sign of resolution. Now China has begun to exploit the resource, and Japan has responded in kind. Now that the Taiwan and Korea questions have been answered, China feels daring enough to enforce its claim on the Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands. Once again, competing economic interests in dangerous proximity result in military action."

This scenario requires Harpoon Classic version 16b7 or later and also the HCDB_050819 or later in order to function properly.

Author: Brad Leyte


Nicobar Vengeance - IOPG Battleset

A few years in the future...

Friction has been growing between Indonesia and its neighbors. Among other issues, Indonesia claims that other nations have been illegally fishing in its waters while other nations accuse Indonesia of not doing enough to reduce piracy.

Four days ago, an Indonesian submarine in the waters between the Nicobar islands and Sumatra sunk an Indian merchant that it mistook for a commercial fishing boat. Sixteen Indian sailors were killed in the incident.

This scenario requires Harpoon Classic version 16b7 or later and also the HCDB_050902 or later in order to function properly.

Author: Mark Gellis


Strike - EC2003 GIUK

SITREP: The strike two days ago by NATO submarines against Soviet naval bomber bases and Soviet AF bomber bases on the Kola Peninsula was not as successful as SacLant had hoped. However, we are presented with a golden opportunity to hit them again since heavy weather has closed their bases. With Strike Fleet currently tied down just south of the Narvik line while trying to re-arm and filter Pact sub forces, our only chance is to strike them hard with USAF tactical fighter bombers.

ORDERS: Using 60 bombers from your wing, fly with tanker support as far north as Tromso. Land there and re-fuel. We have a 36 hour window to strike them before the weather clears up. We will understand and expect heavy losses. Try to limit them to the best of your planning. You are also being provided with a squadron of F-15Cs from the 48TH TFW to provide limited tactical escort.

Author: Charles Berlemann

Please direct all comments to: berlemannc@att.net


These scenarios can also be found on:
Predator or Prey.zip
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The Ninth Immortal.zip
(6.67 KiB) Downloaded 1796 times
Get Your Goat.zip
(9.06 KiB) Downloaded 1832 times
Java Sea Incident - PAC90A1.zip
(8.78 KiB) Downloaded 1793 times
MAR10A1 - Beida-La Boom - EC2003 MEDC.zip
(7.86 KiB) Downloaded 1750 times
(4.43 KiB) Downloaded 1774 times
UAE10A1 United They Sail.zip
(5.62 KiB) Downloaded 1767 times
CAN10A1 Labrador Lightning.zip
(5.32 KiB) Downloaded 1809 times
Island Wind.zip
(9.24 KiB) Downloaded 1807 times
Cruise Control LEB06A2 - EC2003 MEDC.zip
(8.42 KiB) Downloaded 1833 times
(9.22 KiB) Downloaded 1778 times
Constant Glance.zip
(8.74 KiB) Downloaded 1768 times
Stage Fright pt2.zip
(8.31 KiB) Downloaded 1778 times
Last Stan.zip
(20.36 KiB) Downloaded 1776 times
Blame it on the Kellys.zip
(11.37 KiB) Downloaded 1771 times
My Pet Dragon.zip
(16.02 KiB) Downloaded 1741 times
Thirst for Victory.zip
(13.41 KiB) Downloaded 1741 times
Waking the God of the Dead.zip
(8.74 KiB) Downloaded 1761 times
Pinger Charlie.zip
(17.03 KiB) Downloaded 1774 times
Shroud Over Turin.zip
(11.97 KiB) Downloaded 1757 times
Bad Moon Rising.zip
(12.34 KiB) Downloaded 1717 times
(25.58 KiB) Downloaded 1778 times
Med Maul.zip
(16.14 KiB) Downloaded 1716 times
(12.08 KiB) Downloaded 1808 times
Thunder Dragon.zip
(7.22 KiB) Downloaded 1746 times
LaGrange 6.zip
(13.25 KiB) Downloaded 1709 times
My Love is Vengeance.zip
(6.5 KiB) Downloaded 1694 times
Third Idea.zip
(16.34 KiB) Downloaded 1767 times
Stage Fright.zip
(9.35 KiB) Downloaded 1735 times
Crimean River.zip
(6.55 KiB) Downloaded 1803 times
CON90A1 Hungry Lion.zip
(11.22 KiB) Downloaded 1718 times
BAT10FT1 - Black Valour.zip
(7.74 KiB) Downloaded 1759 times
GRE90A1 Crete Convoy.zip
(5.61 KiB) Downloaded 1708 times
BAT90B1 Last Tango.zip
(5.16 KiB) Downloaded 1690 times
Cold North.zip
(9.38 KiB) Downloaded 1673 times
(27.61 KiB) Downloaded 1699 times
(7.09 KiB) Downloaded 1701 times
Sub Hunt.zip
(5.27 KiB) Downloaded 1728 times
BAT90B2 Operation Thistle.zip
(13.6 KiB) Downloaded 1671 times
(28.61 KiB) Downloaded 1768 times
(8.64 KiB) Downloaded 1695 times
In Self-Defence.zip
(15.35 KiB) Downloaded 1727 times
BAT10B11 Continental Connection.zip
(6.58 KiB) Downloaded 1695 times
BAT10D1 Kilo Krush.zip
(6.94 KiB) Downloaded 1690 times
BAT10D2 Spanish Fury.zip
(5.05 KiB) Downloaded 1736 times
BAT10C3 Emerald Action.zip
(3.1 KiB) Downloaded 1648 times
ALBAT10A Roman Thunder.zip
(10.34 KiB) Downloaded 1749 times
(8.26 KiB) Downloaded 1695 times
BAT10E1 - Nicobar Vengeance.zip
(4.69 KiB) Downloaded 1692 times
(2.99 KiB) Downloaded 1707 times
Herman Hum
Posts: 1318
Joined: Wed Oct 25, 2006 1:32 am

Harpoon Classic Scenarios

Postby Herman Hum » Sun Nov 26, 2006 7:30 am

Harpoon Classic Commanders Edition scenarios posted on HarPlonkHQ.

Scenario File Extension Guide

From Russia with Love


From Russia with Love – WestPac

The Kurile Islands have been a point of contention between Japan and the Soviet Union since the end or World War Two. Even following the collapse of the Soviet state, the area remains disputed. Japan claims that the southern most of the Islands, which were not specifically covered in the Treaty of San Francisco of 1951, are rightfully Japanese Territory. Negotiations have yet to settle this dispute.

Author: Akula

Thailand Quarrel


The world was shocked last week when tensions between Indonesia and Thailand exploded into violence. Indonesia, claiming that Thai fishing vessels had illegally entered its fisheries, sank two trawlers and fired warning shots at a third. Thailand has declared that, as a result of these "vicious and criminal acts of oceanic terrorism," a state of war exists between the two nations.

Author: Mark Gellis

Even More Wrath


This is a remake of the scenario "Wrath" originally produced for the EC2003 Battle for the IOPG Battleset. It is intended for play by the Blue side only.

HNN Dateline Sarajevo

Sources confirmed today that the suicide truck bomb that killed 28 and injured more than 100 American soldiers last week was tied to the recent string of terrorist attacks against American targets. The attack, said one government official, fit the profile of several Middle Eastern groups and is thought to be sponsored by several countries hostile to the American presence in the Persian Gulf.

In Paris, the French Foreign Minister was asked if the current attacks against the Americans would cause the French government to reconsider the US sanctions against Iran and Libya. He said abruptly "No terrorism is a world wide problem," and that punishing French and other European companies because America is unpopular in those markets was absurd. He went on To say that "It's time America came down off her high horse and joined the World community as an equal and stop pretending to be the world's Father Figure."

During a UN meeting the US Secretary of State took the podium and issued a terse response to the French Foreign Minister. "Terrorism exists in the world today in its current form because continental powers are too timid to respond to the open hostilities of the Arab world. France in particular should be ashamed that it continues to expand its trade with rogue nations such as Iran, Iraq and Libya." The Secretary closed his speech by saying that the US would seek out and punish those responsible for attacks against Americans no matter where they live, and any country harboring, protecting or supporting these fugitives would also feel the weight of American justice.

Author: Brad Leyte

Korean Gulf


A few years in the future...

A recent dispute in the United Nations regarding the relationship between North Korea and Iran has escalated in recent weeks because of remarks made by South Korean government. Iran has declared it will no longer allow South Korea to export oil from the Persian Gulf. South Korea has responded by moving warships into the area to escort tankers. They have also transferred a number of military aircraft to the area, basing them at Abu Dhabi.

Author: Mark Gellis

The Battle of El Arish


Shortly after the Six Day War, Soviet forces joined briefly with Egyptian forces against Israel in a "War of Attrition." Although this failed to seriously damage Israel, it laid the foundation for future joint Soviet-Egypt military action.

By 1990, the progress towards peace made by Sadat and Begin fifteen years earlier has mostly fallen by the wayside. Soviet forces have returned to Egypt. Intelligence suggests that they may again initiate joint attacks against Israel.

This scenario requires Harpoon Classic version 16b14 or later and also the HCDB_070105 or later in order to function properly.

Author: Mark Gellis

Allegro – WestPac


The PRC has initiated an attack on Taiwan's base in the Spratly chain at Taiping Island (ZMm) via bomber and paratroop assault. They have also increased force levels and op tempo at their southern bases and enclaves in the Philippines. Taiwan stands on the brink of all-out war with Mainland China. PLAA aircraft are aggressively probing the ROC ADIZ and PLAN vessels have sortied with the intent of blockading the island.

A small force of Taiwanese ships has been dispatched to make their way south, re-take Taiping Island (ZMm), and degredate PRC/Philipino strongholds in the area. They are supported by a contingent of ROCAF aircraft and Malaysian forces operating near Borneo. Additionally, one of Taiwan's precious submarines, Hai Hu, has been tasked to support this operation.

Significant PLAN surface and submarine forces are expected to be ready to intercept a Taiwanese response in the Spratlys. High-value air units are known to patrol PRC holdings in the area, most likely staged from Subic Bay (ZXb) and southern China. They have increased defensive capabilities on their outposts of Thitu Island (ZZb), Fiery Cross Reef (ZYm), Mischief Reef (ZOm), and Subi Reef (ZNm) - including the addition of ASM batteries.

All civilian sea and air traffic has been re-routed, causing global economic impact. However, the Vietnamese are re-enforcing their position on Spratly Island (OBm) and are defiantly patrolling the area.

The United States faces extensive force commitments elsewhere at this time and is under severe diplomatic pressure to avoid involvement. However, some passive strategic assistance has been made available from their base at Anderson Field (ALa), whose involvement cannot be revealed to the PRC under ANY circumstances.

This scenario requires Harpoon Classic version 16b10 or later and also the HCDB_060207 or later in order to function properly.

Author: Christopher Stoner

Dynasty – WestPac


The war with the Americans and its puppet allies is several days old and going well. So well, in fact, that there are signs of severe fractures in the political support for the war in Washington. Beijing believes the American President is becoming increasingly fearful of losing the war and may try to neutralize our nuclear deterrent as a prelude to their own escalation to nuclear conflict.

This scenario requires Harpoon Classic version 16b10 or later and also the HCDB_060207 or later in order to function properly.

Author: Brad Leyte

Foxes in the Hen House


A Harpoon Commander's Edition scenario for the Westpac battleset.

The Soviet HEN submarines - the Hotel class SSBNs, the Echo class SSGNs and the November class SSNs - that began deploying in the early 1960s introduced a major technological breakthrough that gave them a dramatic acoustic advantage over the US Navy's Skipjacks and Skates. The new concept was rafting - where a submarine's engineering plant was placed on a flexible mount or raft within the submarine - dramatically reduced the transmission of mechanical vibrations through the hull, and into the water.

Author: Brad Leyte

Iron Wolf


A Harpoon Commander's Edition scenario for the EC2003 GIUK Gap battleset.

The three small Baltic nations of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania are no strangers to a hard life of aggression, occupation, and oppression. With the collapse of the Soviet Union, a determined populace grabbed the opportunity for independence once again. But history had taught them a lesson: that their long term survival was dependent upon becoming part of an international alliance. In Spring 2004 they became full members of NATO. Without any strategic depth, there is nothing that the Baltic states could do to stop a reasonably determined Russian attack, so instead NATO has opted to do such things as emphasize early warning and control, improve the defensive capabilities of local light forces, and have NATO air forces take turns in providing fighters for territorial air defence. There is at least one significant flaw in the arrangement. The Baltic states still rely heavily on Russia for their supplies of natural gas and oil, and their power grids remain linked. In 2007, they entered into an agreement with neighbour (and NATO partner) Poland to replace the ageing (Chernobyl type) nuclear reactor at Ignalina in Lithuania. The Ignalina reactor has now been shut down, and the new powerplant is still under construction, despite the protests of Russia and Belarus regarding the increased pressure on the regional fossil fuel supply. The Baltic states therefore remain critically exposed, and their former ruler has decided to make its move.

Author: Brad Leyte

No Place Like Home


A Harpoon Commander's Edition scenario for the EC2003 GIUK Gap battleset.

The time is the present, and the Kosovo crisis and the resulting Serbian invasion has led to long simmering tensions between Russia and the US exploding, with the sinking of an American submarine found within Russian territorial waters near Archangel. The Commander of the ASW frigate involved has been cashiered for his aggressiveness, but the loss of USS Dallas and 155 American sailors has the US public infuriated, and the US government is bent on revenge. American diplomatic staff have been recalled, and war is imminent. Unfortunately, the AFS Kuznetsov with his escorts is in the Atlantic on exercises, far from friendly ports and exposed to American attacks. The US has claimed that this task group is a threat to American shipping and must surrender to US forces. Your job is to get him and his escorts home safely in the face of overwhelming opposition.

Author: Patrick Howard

Serhiy's Decision


A Harpoon Commander's Edition scenario for the EC2003 Battle for the Mediterranean Battleset.

Although formally established by presidential decree on a warm summer day in August 1992, the slow and painful partition of the Soviet Black Sea Fleet between Ukraine and the newly independent Russian Federation took several more years. Arguably, the first ship of the Ukrainian Navy came into being on 26 January 1992 and in considerably less peaceful fashion. The collapse of the USSR in December 1991 caused the crew of the Project 159A (NATO Petya II) class light frigate SKR-112, most of them Ukrainian by nationality, to make a fateful decision. That morning in January, captain-lieutenant Serhiy Nastenko raised the state flag of Ukraine aboard his ship and together, he and his crew took an oath of allegiance to their new motherland. Black Sea Fleet Command was outraged, compelling Nastenko and his crew to eventually flee from the Russian naval base at Donuzlav, hoping to seek refuge in Odessa. Ships and aircraft of the Black Sea Fleet still loyal to Moscow set out in pursuit of the mutineer.

Author: Brad Leyte



A Harpoon Commander's Edition scenario for the Westpac Battleset.

The war in Central Europe is bogging down, and although NATO has suffered horrendous losses, the Soviet armored thrust has lost its momentum. There are rumours of growing dissension and unrest among the upper echelons of military command in Moscow. The risk of the Soviets resorting to the use of nuclear weapons in desperation has climbed considerably in the past few days. US Navy ballistic missile submarines, already deployed and at sea, have been directed to their patrol stations in case things go south. Several of these boomers, including the USS Tennessee, have been ordered to take up positions where they could potentially exploit depressed trajectory launches of their missile load, reducing warning time substantially.

Author: Brad Leyte

The Origin of Storms


A Harpoon Commander's Edition scenario for the EC2003 GIUK Gap battleset.

This scenario is designed for play by the BLUE side.

Environmental terrorists have disabled the world's first floating nuclear power plant, the massive Russian Rosenergoatom-Sevmash platform in the Barents Sea, inadvertently triggering a meltdown of one of the two reactors and a resultant environmental catastrophe.

The eco terrorists are a previously unknown group, going by the name Desdenova, and with apparent links to Norway. The Norwegians were opposed to the floating nuclear power plant from the outset, and Russia now blames Oslo for having masterminded the attack, claiming an attempt to grab oil and gas reserves in the region.

The Royal Norwegian Navy is moving to protect its territorial integrity and to attempt to contain the contamination, but the Russians have declared an absolute exclusion zone in the Barents and have prohibited all foreign entities from entering the area. A Royal Navy carrier group is caught in the storm.

Author: Brad Leyte

French Titan


France has gained confidence in its current military arsenal and wishes to show the UK that it could easily overpower the belief that "Britannia rules the waves", which has long scalded France since the defeat of Napolean.

They intend on seizing and maintaining control of the Channel and then controlling all traffic that is heading for Britain.

The French have publicly announced this act through the media as the English Defence Secretary watched in utter disbelief that no political discussions were ever made. This comes as a complete surprise to the British and its armed forces are now under extreme pressure to mobilise and stop the French from taking hold of the precious Channel.

The UK has now warned the French government that such actions will be met with a harsh military response to which they have received no reply.

Scenario Creator: Terry "Stalintc" Courtney

Operation Philippine Crunch


Three Months ago, Chinese forces staged an unexpected and swift assault on the Philippine island of Manila and has laid claim to the large northern landmass. The Chinese claimed to NATO that this attack was necessary to crush anti-Chinese terrorists that were based on the island.

NATO was never aware of any terrorism in China which was being co-ordinated. Further suspicions of ill-doing are being raised by the fact that reports have been coming out that the Chinese appear to be building defences and seem to have no intention of leaving the island.

US intelligance has determined that the attack was fueled by an intent to build nuclear missile launch facilities off of the Chinese mainland and ever closer to US-owned territories, in the hope that their anti-terrorism story could stall any attempt by NATO to react to their actions, long enough for them to establish a strong military presence on the island and then spread their occupation further through the Philippine island when the US began to withdraw from a few years ago.

The US has managed to steam a small Tarawa task force into the region in order to quickly seize the intiative and grab a foothold on the island before a larger follow up battlegroup arrives on scene to push the Chinese off of the island.

Their first intent will be to seize and hold the key airbase at Basa to allow further reinforcements to be flown in. The US does not have a huge force with which to perform this task, but their troops commanders are determined to succeed and peel back the Chinese attempt to move the nuclear threat ever closer to their homeland.

Scenario designed and created by Terry "Stalintc" Courtney

Falkland Island Battleset 82


On April 2, 1982, Argentine forces invaded the Falkland Islands, which had been a British colony since 1833. Here are a number of scenarios from that 1982 Conflict plus a 1977 prequel and a 2005 postscript.

These scenarios require the HCDA-080514 or later.

Scenario Creator: WMarsh

French Ivory


Three French journalists working in the Ivory Coast, investigating government corruption, were arrested five weeks ago on charges of espionage. France had been using diplomatic pressure to get them released, but ten days ago the men were brutally murdered by other prisoners.

France has learned that the killings were actually ordered by the government of the Ivory Coast. In response, France has decided to punish the Ivory Coast by destroying three of its offshore oil rigs.

During the crisis, relations between the Ivory Coast and Algeria have warmed significantly. Algeria has been especially outspoken in its criticism of France, saying the European nation is deliberately using the situation as an opportunity for imperialistic adventure, and has promised assistance to its "brother in the struggle against E.U. aggression."

More disturbing than the rhetoric, however, are intelligence reports that Algeria has moved some aircraft to the Ivory Coast. Furthermore, an Algerian submarine has been spotted off the western coast of Sierra Leone, heading south.

Author: Mark Gellis

Under Fire


A Harpoon Commander's Edition scenario for the Caribbean Basin battleset.

The death of Manuel Marulanda, the founder and longtime leader of the narco terrorist group FARC, in early 2008 spelled the beginning of the end of its insurgent activities in Colombia. Although FARC had been historically resilient and was still in possession of considerable resources, Bogota and Washington seized this opportunity to further weaken the organization. Previous clandestine efforts by Venezuela to provide financial and military support to FARC were fully exposed, much to the embarrassment of the regime in Caracas. Within a few short years, the combined efforts of the USA and Colombia had reduced FARC to a mere shadow of its former self and democracy in Colombia was thriving as a result. When an American Congressional delegation was sent to Colombia to investigate and report back on the success of their efforts, unhappy neighbors saw an opportunity to dampen the celebrations.

Author: Brad Leyte



A Harpoon Commander's Edition scenario for the EC2003 IOPG battleset.

The time is the near future, and long simmering tensions between India and Pakistan have erupted. China has weighed in by leasing one of its newer frigates to Pakistan as a trial- but it will be a trial by fire. India has unwisely chosen to attack our country. Critical wartime supplies are approaching Indian ports. As our naval forces are unlikely to prevail against overwhelming odds engaging the Indian navy directly, you are instructed to locate and destroy all commercial vessels approaching India.

Author: Patrick Howard

The Bank Getaway


A Harpoon Commander's Edition scenario for the EC2003 GIUK battleset.

The time is the present, and the Russians have taken advantage of NATO and US overextension in central Asia and the Middle East to settle some old scores in Scandanavia. Sweden and Finland have reached a settlement already, and will be no help. Norway is crumbling fast, but can still offer some help. A small amphibious group was sent to Spitzbergen some time ago to create a military presence at the seed bank there, but the rapid Russian advance requires their safe withdrawal. Get them back into friendly waters, and do some damage to Russian plans on the way if possible. Loadouts and formations may be altered as necessary, and you may operate aircraft from any base.

Author: Patrick Howard



A Harpoon Commander's Edition scenario for the EC2003 NACV battleset.

Part 1: Atlantic Crossing

In the summer of 2019 Iran's nuclear weapons program was finally about to bear fruit. Israel used nukes to halt it. Outraged, the world imposed a complete embargo on Israel. The United States decided to break the embargo, by force if necessary.

Inspired by, but not quite based upon, a series of posts by Christopher Irvine on the HULL mailing list a few years back. Thanks, Chris!

Author: Steve Bulger (a.k.a. Warhorse)

Mob Rules


A Harpoon Commander's Edition scenario for the WestPac battleset.

The Year is 2008......The USSR and China have embarked on a wave of conquest for the newly discoverd oil and natural gas deposits around Japan and South Korea. The first stage of the war took out the U.S pacific fleet and also the Phillipine islands with select nuke strike also Pearl Harbour and other key west coast sites The estimates of 300-400 times the reserves of oil and natural gas that the persian gulf holds have made allies of the USSR and the PRC

Meanwhile in the US short of CVN's after the destruction of the Pacific Fleet the USN takes some of its mothballed BB's and convets them to carriers to fill a much needed role. After a bloody battle to retake Guam that cost nearly 50,000 lives the U.S has mustered a force to soften up Japan and parts of the USSR for the following invasion force of mainly civ ships due to the lack of true amphib ships.. Best estimates for the oil in the gulf to last no more than 6 months have forced the US to move the timeline for an attack on Japan up

Author: Joe (a.k.a. Gdtrfb)

Hermes the Thief


A Harpoon Commander's Edition scenario for the EC2003 IOPG battleset.

The year is 2012 and the balance of power in the world is shifting. The American economic crisis of 2009, along with the discovery of vast oil deposits in the Gulf of Mexico, has led the US to withdraw from world leadership, leaving a huge vacuum. Russia and China have allied to fill this gap, and a poorly organized alliance of India, The EU, and the ASEAN nations (with the exception of Myanmar, which has allied with China) are trying to stem the tide. This scenario explores the "blue water navy" capabilities of the Indian Navy in an attempt to retake conquered Indian territory. (Sound familiar?) After 30 years,Hermes the thief needs to steal again.

Author: Patrick Howard

Hold Fast!


The year is 2012 and the balance of power in the world is shifting. The American economic crisis of 2009, along with the discovery of vast oil deposits in the Gulf of Mexico, has led the US to withdraw from world leadership, leaving a huge vacuum. Russia and China have allied to fill this gap, and a poorly organized alliance of India, The EU, and the ASEAN nations (with the exception of Myanmar, which has allied with China) are trying to stem the tide. This scenario explores the ability of the Royal Navy to control the GIUK gap with minimal assistance from other EU nations. In the days of "wooden ships and iron men" a British officer would command his gun deck crew to "hold fast" and endure the first enemy broadside with discipline while holding fire until closing into killing range. Hold Fast!

Author: Patrick Howard

Colombian Hat Dance

A Harpoon Commander's Edition scenario for the HCDA battleset.

Two terrorist attacks in Mexico City, which claimed the lives of 37 people, are blamed on radicals based in Colombia. The terrorist base has been located, but Colombia has refused to take action against the terrorists. No one is entirely sure why; some believe Colombian officials are concerned about reprisals.

Colombia has declared it will not tolerate a violation of its territory, even if it is to pursue terrorists. As one member of the Colombian government said, "These criminals are on Colombian soil and we will deal with them, when and how we see fit."

Mexico has gotten tired of waiting for the Colombians to take action. They have moved ships and troops into the region and are preparing to attack the terrorist base. In addition, the United States, which has called for a U.N. condemnation of Colombia for its failure to go after the terrorists, has offered support to Mexico.

Author: Mark Gellis

Northern Forge


Northern Forge - EC2003 GIUK

The North Atlantic Council (NAC) has authorized a multinational air/sea/land exercise centered in the North & Norwegian Sea areas, code-named NORTHERN FORGE. This replaces annual NORTHERN EAGLE exercises, which had been held between NATO & Russia and were suspended following the Russian intervention in Georgia. By excluding the Russians and expanding the exercise to include as many NATO members as possible it is intended to demonstrate NATO resolve and strength on Russia's doorstep. The Blue force, based in the UK, consists of forces from the US, UK, Canada, Denmark, Belgium, Netherlands, Poland, and Italy while the Red force, based in Norway, is made up of forces from Norway, France, Spain, Germany, Czech Republic, Hungary, Bulgaria, and Romania.

Author: Christopher (a.k.a. DarkNite)



Willpower - EC2003 NACV

The year is 2012 and the balance of power in the world is shifting. The American economic crisis of 2009, along with the discovery of vast oil deposits in the Gulf of Mexico, has led the US to withdraw from world leadership, leaving a huge vacuum. Russia and China have allied to fill this gap, and a poorly organized alliance of India, The EU, and the ASEAN nations (with the exception of Myanmar, which has allied with China) are trying to stem the tide. This scenario explores the ability of the Spanish and Portuguese navies to defend the Azores against a Russian attack from Iceland.

SITREP The loss of the British carrier has led to the withdrawal of most UK assets to home waters for defence against air attack from Norway. Russian ships and aircraft are moving freely in the North Atlantic, and an attempt to occupy the Azores is probable. Spanish, Portuguese, and British forces must defend Lajes

Author: Patrick Howard




The battle for Norway has been going on for roughly a week now.

European and Russian forces have managed to capture more than half of Norway so far. The remaining Norwegian forces fled to the southern part of the country, surrounded and fighting on all fronts. US reinforcements have started flying in to Norway 72 hours ago. The first US-European air battle occured 12 hours ago.

The invasion and occupation of Poland is nearing its end, as Russian and German forces have met at the outskirts of Warsaw. Upon completion of this operation more European and Russian forces will be available for redeployment.

With US strength in Norway increasing as fresh personnel and material arrive, a major conflict between the newly founded Euro-Russian-Federation and US-Norwegian forces is bound to take place.

Author: Palex80

The Bear Goes South II


Julio Garcia Saboya (Jugasa77) is the 27th new scenario designer to release a scenario for our enjoyment. Many thanks to Jugasa and a big welcome to the community.

War between NATO and Russia has begun. As Russia is the agressor, its forces are prepared for war while NATO only has its routine patrols active. Russia is trying to conquer Reykjavik and Orland. NATO must obstruct this Russian operation.

NATO must try to destroy as many ships and subs as it can. Also it must prohibit Russian amphibious forces from reaching Reikjavik or Orland.
US forces: A carrier task force is travelling from USA to UK, so it can appear at any location. Two submarine wolfpacks are sailing near Iceland. USAF, US Navy, and US Marine Corps have forces at Reykjavik.
UK forces: There are two carrier task forces in the Norwegian Sea. Also, the British have two submarine wolfpacks at the zone.
Norway forces: Norwegian air forces are placed at Orland. There is also a surface battlegroup and a submarine wolfpack.

Author: Julio Garcia Saboya (Jugasa77)

Sixth Battle


This scenario is a tribute to The Sixth Battle by Barrett Tillman.

Several large Soviet battle groups, now operating under the banner of the Union of Eurasian Republics (UER), have assembled off the coast of South Africa. Their intention is to force a change of power in the Republic of South Africa (RSA), into one that favors the African National Congress (ANC) and, indirectly, the Front Line States (FLS) of Angola, Mozambique and Zimbabwe. The UER has cut a deal with the ANC and FLS to form a cartel that would extend to all of the RSA’s resources, including uranium. Hard line regimes in the client states of Cuba, North Korea, and Vietnam have pledged their assistance. The UER and its allies in the region have overwhelming firepower, and the South Africans stand virtually no chance without American intervention.

The elderly US Navy carrier USS Ranger is the only NATO carrier in the Indian Ocean, and it can count on little support from other friendly forces. The Ranger battle group has been planning for several days the best way to attack the UER carriers, plotting and wargaming several possible options, and now they think they have found a winning idea.

Author: Brad Leyte

Task Force Rybakov


This scenario is a RED side sequel to my earlier scenario, Sixth Battle, which of course is a tribute to a favorite novel of mine, The Sixth Battleby Barrett Tillman. Although some effort has been expended atrecreating the battle depicted in that book, I have also taken variedsome of the events and players to make a workable Harpoon scenario. Thescenario background contained in the file is considerably moredetailed, but essentially:

Several large Soviet battle groups,now operating under the banner of the Union of Eurasian Republics(UER), have assembled off the coast of South Africa. Their intention isto force a change of power in the Republic of South Africa (RSA), intoone that favors the African National Congress (ANC) and, indirectly,the Front Line States (FLS) of Angola, Mozambique and Zimbabwe. The UERhas cut a deal with the ANC and FLS to form a cartel that would extendto all of the RSA’s resources, including uranium. Hard line regimes inthe client states of Cuba, North Korea, and Vietnam have pledged theirassistance.

The American carrier forces have been caught out ofposition. Meanwhile, Task Force Rybakov has taken up station off thecoast of the Republic of South Africa (RSA). The Pacific Fleet carrierNovorossiysk has been delayed but is now transiting the MozambiqueChannel and should be on station and ready to conduct operations within24 hours. Our amphibious landings in the RSA will be supported by airstrikes from the carriers. The South Africans stand virtually no chancewithout American intervention. Now is our time to strike.

Author: Brad Leyte

Let’s Go to War


Let’s Go to War - WestPac

What if China carried out its threat to attack Taiwan? What if North Korea launched an offensive against South Korea? What if an reinvigorated Russia was complicit with both aggressors? What if these conflicts happened at the same time? This scenario examines the hypothetical worst case scenario, the stuff of nightmares for WestPac war planners.

Following the brutal crackdown in Tibet and the subsequent boycott of the 2008 Olympics in Beijing by many Western nations, the PRC entered a time of what many considered a period of awakening. It was thought that maybe these were the last throes of Chinese Communist Party, and that the emergence of democracy was finally within grasp. Ultimately it proved to be just a dream. The PRC's attack against Taiwan was sudden and absolutely vicious. Rather than commit the bulk of its valuable naval and air forces to the battle, the PRC unleashed a terrifying bombardment of short range ballistic missiles. This, of course, had been expected, but the sheer ferocity of the missile attack was not, nor was the use of a new and deadly nerve agent. Caught unprepared, Taiwan had no chance.

To make matters worse, North Korea reversed its decision to withdraw from a policy of nuclear brinkmanship. A previously unknown nuclear processing facility was discovered, revealed and then flaunted by Pyongyang, together with an array of crude nuclear weapons delivery systems. When the South Koreans and Americans railed against this dangerous turn of events, and threatened response, the DPRK did not hesitate. A withering assault was thrown across the DMZ within days, and Washington took no chances. Select low level nuclear strikes were made against certain North Korean targets, decapitating and eliminating the DPRK atomic arsenal.

Just when it was believed things could not get any uglier, the nationalists in Moscow announced their support for the forced reunification of the PRC and ROC, and complained loudly and bitterly against the American nuclear pre-emption. The Russian support for Beijing and the opposition against Washington was not only political, however, it was military.

Author: Brad Leyte



Failsafe - Bering Strait Battleset.

Tensions with the Soviet Union are at an all time high. The President and the Joint Chiefs have just ordered Defense Condition 2 (DEFCON 2), as it is believed that an attack by the USSR may be imminent. Intelligence reports and analysis indicate that if it comes, it will occur sometime within the next forty-eight (48) hours.

In preparation to meet the threat, Strategic Air Command (SAC) has launched a previously unannounced Giant Bracket exercise, directing the forward deployment of elements of the 97th Bomb Wing to Elmendorf AFB, Alaska. Its aircraft (primarily a force of B-52 bombers) are now operating there in conjunction with other supporting USAF units.

In the event that National Command Authority (NCA) orders Defense Condition 1 (DEFCON 1), which will be a confirmation of an impending Soviet attack, SAC assets are directed to immediately take up their fail safe positions and stand by for further orders.

Author: Brad Leyte

Canary Islands 1976


NATO has lost contact with the Canary Islands. The only naval forces in the area, centered around the USS Hancock, are sent to investigate.

This is a custom battleset that includes the database to play the scenario. Unzip the file into your HCE directory, the load the game. You will have a new battleset, "Fred's Canary Islands Battles" with which to play the scenario. The battleset is meant to be used with HCE 2008.044 or newer.

Author: Fred Galano

Intruders from the North
They Seem to Keep Coming


A country has established a small air base along the northern coast line and is striking Australian bases. While intended to play as blue, you can play as red too although the defences are marginal so it should be a walk over.

Author: DonSeaDog

Commerce Raider


Commerce raiding or guerre de course is a naval strategy of attacking an opponent's commercial shipping rather than contending for control of the seas with its naval forces. The objective is to make the war too expensive for the opponent to continue it. Usually, commerce raiding is chosen by the weaker naval power who has little chance to succeed against the naval forces of its opponent.

Author: Rene Haar

These scenarios can also be found on:
[WestPac] From Russia With Love.zip
(29.23 KiB) Downloaded 1762 times
[WestPac] Thai Quarrel 10A1.zip
(5.78 KiB) Downloaded 1714 times
[EC2003 IOPG] Even More Wrath.zip
(10.34 KiB) Downloaded 1722 times
(1.69 MiB) Downloaded 1683 times
Aus_don Battleset.zip
(542.75 KiB) Downloaded 1691 times
Canary Island 1976.zip
(1.11 MiB) Downloaded 1714 times
[Bering] Failsafe.zip
(11.89 KiB) Downloaded 1700 times
[WestPac] Let's Go To War.zip
(28.5 KiB) Downloaded 1699 times
[SAfr] The Sixth Battle.zip
(17.19 KiB) Downloaded 1709 times
[SAfr] Task Force Rybakov.zip
(15.51 KiB) Downloaded 1691 times
[EC2003 GIUK] Bear Goes South II.zip
(12.73 KiB) Downloaded 1675 times
[GIUK] Bear Goes South.zip
(6.91 KiB) Downloaded 2693 times
[EC2003 GIUK] 1GIUK.zip
(14.54 KiB) Downloaded 1641 times
[EC2003 NACV] Willpower.zip
(10.46 KiB) Downloaded 1663 times
[EC 2003 GIUK] Northern Forge.zip
(21.72 KiB) Downloaded 1709 times
[HCDA] MEX10A1.zip
(5.14 KiB) Downloaded 1661 times
[EC2003 GIUK] Hold Fast.zip
(8.23 KiB) Downloaded 1671 times
[EC2003 IOPG] Hermes.zip
(7.38 KiB) Downloaded 1682 times
[WestPac] Mob Rules.zip
(12.93 KiB) Downloaded 1695 times
[EC2003 NACV] Blockade.zip
(13.02 KiB) Downloaded 1686 times
[EC2003 NACV] RedOctober.zip
(21.4 KiB) Downloaded 1698 times
[EC2003 GIUK] Getaway.zip
(12.69 KiB) Downloaded 1712 times
[EC2003 IOPG] Minnows.zip
(9.32 KiB) Downloaded 1650 times
[Carib] Under Fire.zip
(6.44 KiB) Downloaded 1669 times
[Carib] Under Fire.zip
(6.44 KiB) Downloaded 1680 times
[SAfr] French Ivory 10A1.zip
(4.26 KiB) Downloaded 1733 times
[HCDA] Falkland Island Battleset 82.zip
(246.63 KiB) Downloaded 1688 times
[WestPac] Operation Philippine Crunch.zip
(8.08 KiB) Downloaded 1630 times
[EC2003 GIUK] French_Titan.zip
(9.15 KiB) Downloaded 1636 times
[EC2003 GIUK] Origin.zip
(13.89 KiB) Downloaded 1716 times
[WestPac] Oubliette.zip
(8.34 KiB) Downloaded 1653 times
[EC2003 MEDC] Serhiy.zip
(7.36 KiB) Downloaded 1674 times
[EC2003 GIUK] No Place Like Home.zip
(10.13 KiB) Downloaded 1700 times
Henhouse [WestPac].zip
(2.12 KiB) Downloaded 1644 times
Ironwolf [EC2003 GIUK].zip
(9.88 KiB) Downloaded 1699 times
KORE10A1 Korean Gulf.zip
(4.72 KiB) Downloaded 1734 times
EGYP90A1 - Battle of El Arish.zip
(4.71 KiB) Downloaded 1690 times
(20.34 KiB) Downloaded 1702 times
(5.52 KiB) Downloaded 1708 times
Herman Hum
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Harpoon Classic Scenarios

Postby Herman Hum » Fri Jan 12, 2007 7:41 am

The 2nd new scenario of the year!

The Battle of El Arish


Shortly after the Six Day War, Soviet forces joined briefly with Egyptian forces against Israel in a "War of Attrition." Although this failed to seriously damage Israel, it laid the foundation for future joint Soviet-Egypt military action.

By 1990, the progress towards peace made by Sadat and Begin fifteen years earlier has mostly fallen by the wayside. Soviet forces have returned to Egypt. Intelligence suggests that they may again initiate joint attacks against Israel.

Author: Mark Gellis

This scenario requires Harpoon Classic version 16b14 or later and also the HCDB_070105 for maximum efficiency.
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Harpoon Classic 2005 Databases

Postby Herman Hum » Tue May 08, 2007 6:43 am

A new version of the Harpoon Commander's Edition (HCE) Database (HCDB-0070507) is now available. Get it in the Download section.

New additions (or overhauls of existing entries) include:


Alkmaar (Latvia) MCM - Latvia
Osprey (Intl) MCM - Intl
Type 331 Fulda MCM - Lithuania

Get it at HarpGamer.com via the DB Share button. Enjoy !

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Harpoon Classic Scenarios

Postby Herman Hum » Tue Jun 12, 2007 8:43 am

The 261st New scenario of the year!

Korean Gulf


A few years in the future...

A recent dispute in the United Nations regarding the relationship between North Korea and Iran has escalated in recent weeks because of remarks made by South Korean government. Iran has declared it will no longer allow South Korea to export oil from the Persian Gulf. South Korea has responded by moving warships into the area to escort tankers. They have also transferred a number of military aircraft to the area, basing them at Abu Dhabi.

Author: Mark Gellis
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Harpoon Classic Commander's Edition Databases

Postby Herman Hum » Mon Dec 24, 2007 4:18 am

A new version of the Harpoon Commander's Edition (HCE) Database (HCDB-071223) is now available. Get it in the Download section.

HCDB-071223 is the first "post release" version of the HCDB, the official database for Harpoon Commander's Edition.

Please note that this version incorporates certain major changes to the Game Engine (GE) code which will be released by way of a patch, including:

(1) Major improvements to the gunnery model (magazines are now fully implemented for surface ships, SAM/AAA batteries, etc).
(2) The expansion of electronic warfare to surface ships and mobile land units (i.e. chaff, flares, point defense jammers).

Therefore, until the patch becomes available, these new features will not be fully functional.

New additions (or overhauls of existing entries) include:


EA-6B Prowler ICAP I - USA
EA-6B Prowler ICAP III - USA
Comandante OPV - Italy
Conrado Yap PG - Philippines
Soryu SS - Japan

Get it at HarpGamer.com via the DB Share button. Enjoy !

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Harpoon Classic Commander's Edition Scenarios

Postby Herman Hum » Sun Jan 27, 2008 7:58 am

The 290th NEW Harpoon scenario in the last 12 months!

Foxes in the Hen House


A Harpoon Commander's Edition scenario for the Westpac battleset.

The Soviet HEN submarines - the Hotel class SSBNs, the Echo class SSGNs and the November class SSNs - that began deploying in the early 1960s introduced a major technological breakthrough that gave them a dramatic acoustic advantage over the US Navy's Skipjacks and Skates. The new concept was rafting - where a submarine's engineering plant was placed on a flexible mount or raft within the submarine - dramatically reduced the transmission of mechanical vibrations through the hull, and into the water.

Author: Brad Leyte

Iron Wolf


A Harpoon Commander's Edition scenario for the EC2003 GIUK Gap battleset.

The three small Baltic nations of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania are no strangers to a hard life of aggression, occupation, and oppression. With the collapse of the Soviet Union, a determined populace grabbed the opportunity for independence once again. But history had taught them a lesson: that their long term survival was dependent upon becoming part of an international alliance. In Spring 2004 they became full members of NATO. Without any strategic depth, there is nothing that the Baltic states could do to stop a reasonably determined Russian attack, so instead NATO has opted to do such things as emphasize early warning and control, improve the defensive capabilities of local light forces, and have NATO air forces take turns in providing fighters for territorial air defence. There is at least one significant flaw in the arrangement. The Baltic states still rely heavily on Russia for their supplies of natural gas and oil, and their power grids remain linked. In 2007, they entered into an agreement with neighbour (and NATO partner) Poland to replace the ageing (Chernobyl type) nuclear reactor at Ignalina in Lithuania. The Ignalina reactor has now been shut down, and the new powerplant is still under construction, despite the protests of Russia and Belarus regarding the increased pressure on the regional fossil fuel supply. The Baltic states therefore remain critically exposed, and their former ruler has decided to make its move.

Author: Brad Leyte


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Postby Herman Hum » Mon Mar 03, 2008 2:17 am

Brad Leyte

The initial release version of the Harpoon Commander's Edition (HCE) 'Americas' Database (HCDA-080302) is now available.

In anticipation of the soon to be released BattleSet Builder, in which HCE players will now be able to play scenarios across the entire globe, I've put together a new database that focuses on the 'Americas' - North, South and Central.

The Harpoon Commander's Edition Database - Americas (HCDA) contains a wealth of new aircraft, ships, submarines and installations for the theater, as well as retaining and/or adapting many platforms from the official database of the Harpoon Commander's Edition simulation, the HCDB. This allows the fullest range of scenarios to be created with the BattleSet Builder tool, from Soviet/Cuban interventions in Central America and the Caribbean basin, to the 1982 Falklands conflict between Great Britain and Argentina, to an action by the People's Republic of China to protect its 'investment' in the Panama Canal, to a Second Civil War between the States.

As always, a database is forever a 'work in progress' and the HCDA will continue to be improved, updated and expanded as time goes on. I would be happy to receive your requests for new additions to the HCDA (especially if you're writing scenarios for the rest of us to enjoy!) in the same manner as I have for the HCDB. And, as before, the HCDA will retain the same general database philosophy as the HCDB.

The initial release version of the HCDA is now available from the Downloads section of this website.

Stay tuned. There's more good news in store for HCE players, particularly if you're big on the Second World War.

New additions (or overhauls of existing entries) include:


A-1A AMX - Brazil
A-4AR Fightinghawk - Argentina
A-4C Skyhawk - Argentina
A-4P Skyhawk - Argentina
A-4Q Skyhawk - Argentina
A-58 Pucara - Uruguay
AF-1 (A-4KU) Skyhawk - Brazil
AB212ASW - Venezuela

Get it at HarpGamer.com via the DB Share button. Enjoy !
Herman Hum
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Harpoon Classic Commander's Edition Databases

Postby Herman Hum » Sun Mar 09, 2008 7:16 pm

A new version of the Harpoon Commander's Edition (HCE) Database (HCDB-080308) is now available.

Get it in the Download section.

New additions (or overhauls of existing entries) include:

E-6A Mercury - USA
E-6B Mercury - USA
Atago DDG - Japan
Tridente (Type 209PN) SS - Portugal

Get it at HarpGamer.com via the DB Share button. Enjoy !
Herman Hum
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Harpoon Classic Scenarios

Postby Herman Hum » Tue Mar 11, 2008 9:57 pm

The 168th NEW Harpoon scenario in the last 12 months!

Patrick is the 19th author to post up a Harpoon scenario.

No Place Like Home


A Harpoon Commander's Edition scenario for the EC2003 GIUK Gap battleset.

The time is the present, and the Kosovo crisis and the resulting Serbian invasion has led to long simmering tensions between Russia and the US exploding, with the sinking of an American submarine found within Russian territorial waters near Archangel. The Commander of the ASW frigate involved has been cashiered for his aggressiveness, but the loss of USS Dallas and 155 American sailors has the US public infuriated, and the US government is bent on revenge. American diplomatic staff have been recalled, and war is imminent. Unfortunately, the AFS Kuznetsov with his escorts is in the Atlantic on exercises, far from friendly ports and exposed to American attacks. The US has claimed that this task group is a threat to American shipping and must surrender to US forces. Your job is to get him and his escorts home safely in the face of overwhelming opposition.

Author: Patrick Howard


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Harpoon Classic Scenarios

Postby Herman Hum » Thu Mar 13, 2008 10:27 pm

The 170th NEW Harpoon scenario in the last 12 months!

Serhiy's Decision


A Harpoon Commander's Edition scenario for the EC2003 Battle for the Mediterranean Battleset.

Although formally established by presidential decree on a warm summer day in August 1992, the slow and painful partition of the Soviet Black Sea Fleet between Ukraine and the newly independent Russian Federation took several more years. Arguably, the first ship of the Ukrainian Navy came into being on 26 January 1992 and in considerably less peaceful fashion. The collapse of the USSR in December 1991 caused the crew of the Project 159A (NATO Petya II) class light frigate SKR-112, most of them Ukrainian by nationality, to make a fateful decision. That morning in January, captain-lieutenant Serhiy Nastenko raised the state flag of Ukraine aboard his ship and together, he and his crew took an oath of allegiance to their new motherland. Black Sea Fleet Command was outraged, compelling Nastenko and his crew to eventually flee from the Russian naval base at Donuzlav, hoping to seek refuge in Odessa. Ships and aircraft of the Black Sea Fleet still loyal to Moscow set out in pursuit of the mutineer.

Author: Brad Leyte



A Harpoon Commander's Edition scenario for the Westpac Battleset.

The war in Central Europe is bogging down, and although NATO has suffered horrendous losses, the Soviet armored thrust has lost its momentum. There are rumours of growing dissension and unrest among the upper echelons of military command in Moscow. The risk of the Soviets resorting to the use of nuclear weapons in desperation has climbed considerably in the past few days. US Navy ballistic missile submarines, already deployed and at sea, have been directed to their patrol stations in case things go south. Several of these boomers, including the USS Tennessee, have been ordered to take up positions where they could potentially exploit depressed trajectory launches of their missile load, reducing warning time substantially.

Author: Brad Leyte


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Harpoon Classic Scenarios

Postby Herman Hum » Tue Apr 22, 2008 6:06 am

The 45th NEW Harpoon scenario in the last 12 months!

The Origin of Storms


A Harpoon Commander's Edition scenario for the EC2003 GIUK Gap battleset.

This scenario is designed for play by the BLUE side.

Environmental terrorists have disabled the world's first floating nuclear power plant, the massive Russian Rosenergoatom-Sevmash platform in the Barents Sea, inadvertently triggering a meltdown of one of the two reactors and a resultant environmental catastrophe.

The eco terrorists are a previously unknown group, going by the name Desdenova, and with apparent links to Norway. The Norwegians were opposed to the floating nuclear power plant from the outset, and Russia now blames Oslo for having masterminded the attack, claiming an attempt to grab oil and gas reserves in the region.

The Royal Norwegian Navy is moving to protect its territorial integrity and to attempt to contain the contamination, but the Russians have declared an absolute exclusion zone in the Barents and have prohibited all foreign entities from entering the area. A Royal Navy carrier group is caught in the storm.

Author: Brad Leyte


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Herman Hum
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Harpoon Classic Scenarios

Postby Herman Hum » Sat May 10, 2008 2:57 am

The 45th NEW Harpoon scenario in the last 12 months!

Terry Courtney (a.k.a. Stalintc) is the twentieth author to release a Harpoon scenario. Congratulations on your debut and looking forward to playing many more of your creations.

French Titan


France has gained confidence in its current military arsenal and wishes to show the UK that it could easily overpower the belief that "Britannia rules the waves", which has long scalded France since the defeat of Napolean.

They intend on seizing and maintaining control of the Channel and then controlling all traffic that is heading for Britain.

The French have publicly announced this act through the media as the English Defence Secretary watched in utter disbelief that no political discussions were ever made. This comes as a complete surprise to the British and its armed forces are now under extreme pressure to mobilise and stop the French from taking hold of the precious Channel.

The UK has now warned the French government that such actions will be met with a harsh military response to which they have received no reply.

Scenario Creator: Terry "Stalintc" Courtney



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