* Known Harpoon [ANW] Issues

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* Known Harpoon [ANW] Issues

Postby Herman Hum » Sat Apr 04, 2009 6:25 pm

Forger cannot launch

Yak-38 Forger will show "UNABLE" under the ready status

1. Load [HUD] Forger cannot launch (3.9.4).scn in GE
2. Select Kiev group and hit Air Ops [F6]
3. Yak-38 Forger will show "UNABLE" under the ready status
4. Same scenario and database combination runs fine under 3.9.3
[HUD] Forger cannot launch (3.9.4).zip
(498.03 KiB) Downloaded 2173 times
[HUD] Forger cannot launch (3.9.4).gif
[HUD] Forger cannot launch (3.9.4).gif (9.28 KiB) Viewed 50823 times
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* Known Harpoon [ANW] Issues

Postby Herman Hum » Mon May 18, 2009 3:30 am

CTD within 60 mins

Scenario results in CTD within 60 mins of elapsed game time

1. [PDb] CTD within 60 mins (3.9.4).scn in GE from USN side
2. Run at 5 min time compression
3. Scenario results in CTD within 60 mins of elapsed game time (usu. 35min+)
4. Scenario runs without any problems in any pre-ANW versions and runs in 3.9.3
5. "Windows needs to close message" and windows report attached
[PDb] CTD within 60 mins (3.9.4).zip
(219.24 KiB) Downloaded 2207 times
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* Known Harpoon [ANW] Issues

Postby Herman Hum » Mon Jul 20, 2009 3:40 pm

Planes that bingo cannot refuel

Airborne plane can refuel any time until it reaches Bingo state. Once plane reaches Bingo state, player cannot unassign it and order it to re-fuel. (Originally reported by Iriya Kazunori)

1. Run [PDb] Planes that bingo cannot refuel (3.9.4).scn in GE
2. Airborne Falcon can refuel from tanker any time until it reaches Bingo state
3. Once Falcon reaches Bingo state, player cannot unassign it and order it to re-fuel
[PDb] Planes that bingo cannot refuel (3.9.4).zip
(19.61 KiB) Downloaded 2122 times
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* Known Harpoon [ANW] Issues

Postby Herman Hum » Mon Oct 12, 2009 9:03 am

ECM emitter not shown (Originally reported by Enrique Vaamonde)

Unknown aircraft will be briefly detected as ECM emitter, then the 'q' symbol denoting ECM will disappear even though the jamming persists

1. Load [PDb] ECM emitter not shown (3.9.4).scn in GE
2. Run at 1:1 compression
3. Unknown aircraft will be briefly detected as ECM emitter, then the 'q' symbol denoting ECM will be gone even though the ECM persists
4. Order aircraft to fly towards the unknown aircraft and the ECM symbol may briefly flicker back on before being lost
5. ECM symbol should be shown throughout
[PDb] ECM emitter not shown (3.9.4).zip
(20.7 KiB) Downloaded 2190 times
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* Known Harpoon [ANW] Issues

Postby Herman Hum » Mon Oct 12, 2009 9:05 am

Complete visual ID failure (Originally reported by Enrique Vaamonde)

Aircraft will never be able to identify bogey regardless of range

1. Load [PDb] Complete visual ID failure (3.9.4).scn in GE
2. Fly aircraft towards bogey
3. Aircraft will never be able to identify bogey regardless of range
[PDb] Complete visual ID failure (3.9.4).zip
(20.6 KiB) Downloaded 2053 times
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* Known Harpoon [ANW] Issues

Postby Herman Hum » Thu Sep 23, 2010 7:27 pm

Weather fails to draw

Weather fails to draw completely on world map and only appears on left-hand edge

1. Load [PDb] Weather fails to draw (3.10).scn in SE
2. Sea State only appears in left-hand edge of world map
[PDb] Weather fails to draw (3.10).zip
(981.08 KiB) Downloaded 2100 times
[PDb] Weather fails to draw (3.10).gif
[PDb] Weather fails to draw (3.10).gif (5.42 KiB) Viewed 50362 times
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Herman Hum
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* Known Harpoon [ANW] Issues

Postby Herman Hum » Thu Sep 23, 2010 7:33 pm

ALCM cannot hit runway

Hundreds of ALCM will fire at runway target and none will ever hit

1. Run [ODb] ALCM cannot hit runway (3.10).scn in GE
2. ALCM will launch at Air Station and destroy it proving that the weapons work
3. More ALCM will fire at Runway and never hit
[ODb] ALCM cannot hit runway (3.10).zip
(15.65 KiB) Downloaded 2189 times
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Herman Hum
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* Known Harpoon [ANW] Issues

Postby Herman Hum » Thu Sep 23, 2010 7:36 pm

Missiles attack phantom target

Aircraft approaches target but releases missiles against an unknown target which then fly into oblivion

1. Load [ODb] Missiles attack phantom target (3.10).scn in SE
2. Run from Strike Side
3. B014 and B015 are assigned the same mission against a single Runway target
4. B015 successfully and correctly approaches target and releases missiles
5. B014 approaches target but releases missiles against an unknown target which then fly into oblivion
[ODb] Missiles attack phantom target (3.10).zip
(29.11 KiB) Downloaded 2055 times
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* Known Harpoon [ANW] Issues

Postby Herman Hum » Thu Sep 23, 2010 7:39 pm

Active sonobuoys have no range ring

Active sonobuoys have no range ring

1. Load [PDb] Active sonobuoys have no range ring (3.10).scn in GE
2. Order aircraft to deploy Active sonobuoy
3. Range ring appears for sonobuoy
4. Order buoy to activate sonar
5. Range circle disappears
[PDb] Active sonobuoys have no range ring (3.10).zip
(2.28 KiB) Downloaded 2203 times
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Herman Hum
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* Known Harpoon [ANW] Issues

Postby Herman Hum » Thu Sep 23, 2010 7:42 pm

AI engages neutral units

AI deliberately engages neutral units even though they are not hostile towards the AI and are unarmed

1. Load [PDb] AI engages neutral units (3.10).scn in SE
2. Run test file from European side at 1:5s compression with Show All enabled
3. End game after 30 mins elapse in game time
4. Evaluation will show that neutral (and unarmed) fishing vessels have been deliberately engaged by AI (UK) side
[PDb] AI engages neutral units (3.10).zip
(128.59 KiB) Downloaded 2050 times
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* Known Harpoon [ANW] Issues

Postby Herman Hum » Thu Sep 23, 2010 7:43 pm

All land units re-named to default

All land units re-named to default when scenario is re-built by SE thereby corrupting all ViConds dependent upon them

1. Load [PDb] All land units re-named to default (3.10) in SE
2. Order all units Re-built
3. All land facilities revert to default names set by the database
4. All Victory conditions requiring destruction of specific land facility according to name are corrupted and now unable to evaluate properly
[PDb] All land units re-named to default (3.10).zip
(25.04 KiB) Downloaded 2085 times
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* Known Harpoon [ANW] Issues

Postby Herman Hum » Thu Sep 23, 2010 7:45 pm

All windows active in MP

All windows shown as active (highlighted border) when starting MP

1. Start any scenario in MP
2. All game windows will appear as active (highlighted)
3. [PDb] All windows active (3.10).GIF
[PDb] All windows active (3.10).zip
(19.22 KiB) Downloaded 2133 times
[PDb] All windows active (3.10).gif
[PDb] All windows active (3.10).gif (18.74 KiB) Viewed 50428 times
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* Known Harpoon [ANW] Issues

Postby Herman Hum » Thu Sep 23, 2010 7:50 pm

Arty kills target out of range

Artillery will fire and destroy a unit that was never within actual range

1. Run [PDb] Arty kills target out of range (3.10).scn in GE
2. Arty unit has no targets in range [PDb] Arty kills target out of range 1 (3.10).gif
3. Run scenario for 10 seconds and pause
4. Order Artillery unit to fire all weapons at Facility supposedly within range [PDb] Arty kills target out of range 2 (3.10).gif
5. Unpause and continue
6. Arty will fire and destroy unit even though it was never within actual range
[PDb] Arty kills target out of range (3.10).zip
(63.17 KiB) Downloaded 2153 times
[PDb] Arty kills target out of range 2 (3.10).gif
[PDb] Arty kills target out of range 2 (3.10).gif (5.24 KiB) Viewed 50420 times
[PDb] Arty kills target out of range 1 (3.10).gif
[PDb] Arty kills target out of range 1 (3.10).gif (3.71 KiB) Viewed 50422 times
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Herman Hum
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* Known Harpoon [ANW] Issues

Postby Herman Hum » Thu Sep 23, 2010 7:52 pm

ASuW mission never goes ECM active

ASuW mission never goes ECM active even though Mission Editor clearly shows that ECM is supposed to be active

1. Load [PDb] ASuW mission never goes ECM active (3.10).scn in SE
2. Run from UK side for 10 mins
3. Switch to Soviet side
4. TG Kerch will have radar active, but no ECM even though Mission Editor clearly shows that ECM is supposed to be active
[PDb] ASuW mission never goes ECM active (3.10).zip
(41.79 KiB) Downloaded 2132 times
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Herman Hum
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* Known Harpoon [ANW] Issues

Postby Herman Hum » Thu Sep 23, 2010 7:54 pm

ASuW range ring missing

Aircraft will display ASuW range ring in H3 but not in ANW even though weapon parameters are identical

1. Run [PDb] ASuW range ring missing (3.10).scn in GE
2. Aircraft will display ASuW range ring in H3 but not in ANW even though weapon parameters are identical
[PDb] ASuW range ring missing (3.10).zip
(42.17 KiB) Downloaded 2140 times
[PDb] ASuW range ring missing (3.10).gif
[PDb] ASuW range ring missing (3.10).gif (3.63 KiB) Viewed 50414 times
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Harpoon3 Frequently Asked Questions
Herman Hum
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