
In the first and second scenarios of this multi part campaign, we saw what happened when the Israelis carried out a preemptive air strike against a Syrian nuclear research facility, and the ferocity of the combined Syrian-Iranian response.
In this third instalment in the series, the crisis has deepened and expanded into a regional war in which old superpowers threaten to become involved.
1.0. SITREP:
First the good news. The clash with the Syrian air force has resolved largely in our favor, and the surprise raid on the Iranian nuclear facilities near Esfahan have been deemed a success. We also believe, but cannot confirm, that the Syrians and Iranians have exhausted their ballistic missile inventory for the time being. Our effort, however, has spent much of our air force's immediately available capability and we are attempting to reconstitute the force.
Now the bad news. Despite heavy losses, Syrian ground forces have crossed into the Golan Heights once again. An enemy armored group has seized the Israeli settlement at Neve Ativ and appears to be digging in nearby. Much of our army is preoccupied in Gaza and in providing disaster relief in the wake of missile attacks on civilian centers, and we have been slow to respond in the Golan.
Moreover, it appears that the Russians are moving to support the Syrian offensive. So called Russian peacekeepers are arriving in force aboard Il-76 airlifters at Latakia and Damascus, and there are reports of Russian air force squadrons also arriving in concert with them. There are also rumours of similar movements in Iran, but these are as yet unconfirmed.
Also, the Russian navy battlecruiser Petr Velikiy has rounded Cyprus and appears to be returning to eastern Mediterranean waters. Her specific intentions are unknown at this time.
The Americans have advised, via back channels, that they are turning around a carrier group near Yemen and sending it back up the Red Sea. They have not, as yet, promised direct support but it appears likely they will offer same.
Author: Brad Leyte