NEW Harpoon scenario of the year!
Evacuation through the Alboran Sea 2012
Spring 2012: As a last backslash to the 2011 turmoils in the North Africa and Middle East Muslim World, in Morocco the moderate laicist Government of National Unity of Abdelhadi Boucetta (With the decisive support of his intellectual and glamorous wife) replacing for less than a year the deposed King Mohammed VI (Exiled to the ONA-Managem luxury mining facilities in Equatorial Guinea), has been overthrowed by the Islamic extremists after a long and painful agony.
The new Moroccan islamist Government of the now named Muslim Brotherhood in the Islamic Maghreb, counts with the opposition of a important sector of the Moroccan people, basically the most literate and pro-Western sector. Preventing a possible unrest, remembering the internal public reaction to the ill-fated Moroccan invasion of the Spanish Perejil Island on 2002, the new Islamic government has fixed as national target for amagalmation of the public opinion the seizure of the North-African Spanish Automous cities of Ceuta and Melilla, a long-time Moroccan claim. As both cities are very vulnerable without room for a possible in depth military defence, and the other new strategic targets and ambitions of the Spanish Government are now well known and the last years was retiring troops and police corps from both Ceuta and Melilla, there is a window of vulnerability the Islamic faction has well exploited.
With a Moroccan Police and Secret Service organized human waves of thousands of desesperate low-class Moroccan people jumping, breaking through, bending and for last tearing apart the divisory fence between both cities and Morocco, in face of the passivity of the Spanish security forces to avoid the loss of human lives (Action and reaction very similar to the Moroccan Green March occupation of the Spanish Sahara on November 1975, against a confuse Spanish government when Franco layed dying), the Moroccans had de facto occuppied both cities. Facing a not-return case, the Spanish citizens are assembled by the authorities in the cities ports, waiting for maritime evacuation (Only Melilla counts with a very small airport).
Remembering the success of the current Somalia pirates, and the success of the traditional historical activity of the Barbary Coast pirates (Only finished with the French conquest in North Africa in the XIX Century, after the previous famous actions of the USN and USMC), and for enforce more the moral of the Moroccan People, the Islamic government has decided to prevent the evacuation and the loss of richess and qualified manpower. In the tradition of their ancestors the Barbary pirates, they want capture them for ransom, or if not destroy and sunk the merchant ships carring them, to shown the weakness of the Spanish government and his incapatility to protect his own nationals.
In Spain, after the 2012 polls, the unstable socialist government of Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero and his long-time Defence Minister Carmen Chacon, has had to suffer the pressure of the peripherical nationalistic parties of his coalition of government, and to lend to his desires. After the resignation of General Felix Sanz Roldan as head of the Centro Nacional de Inteligencia and his replacement by a puppet civilian, nothing can be opposed to the nationalistic parties desires. As their first demand is the recuperation of the old territories of the Kingdom of Aragon, most of the surface forces of the Spanish Navy and a great number of his air assets are deployed in forward bases in the Balearic Islands and in the Central Mediterranean. As a result of it, facing the worst-case possible scenario, only limited forces are available for escorting the evacuation of Spanish refugees from Ceuta and Melilla.
Author: Enrique Mas [a.k.a Broncepulido]