Alpha Strike 1

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Re: Alpha Strike 1

Postby stiofan » Tue Feb 18, 2014 11:51 pm

I'm having exactly the same problem with Alpha Strike 1. I recently bought the Harpoon bundle from Matrix.

On 3.6, the air defences are recognised fairly quickly on the peninsula after the Hawkeyes and Prowlers launch (largely replicating your Youtube video).

On 3.9 and ANW, the air defences are recognised fairly quickly on the peninsula (as hostiles) but only if the Difficulty level is set to Easy. On any higher setting, the air defences appear far north of the peninsula. No amount of triangulation by the Hawkeyes provides a more accurate fix.
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Re: Alpha Strike 1

Postby Herman Hum » Tue Feb 18, 2014 11:55 pm

One video was done in H3 v3.6 and the second video was done with ANW v3.9.4 Therefore, it is possible to achieve victory with either version of the game.

If you like, I am happy to walk through this scenario with you in a Multi-player session so that you can see exactly what happens and how it can be accomplished.

Alpha Strike 1 [ANW]
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Re: Alpha Strike 1

Postby stiofan » Sun Mar 16, 2014 5:57 am

Thanks for your kind offer, but I would be too scared to take you on online! I've plugged away at the scenario, helped by repeated viewings of your video, and and slowly improving. I found your Commanders Edition walkthrough very helpful as well - thanks.
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Re: Alpha Strike 1

Postby Herman Hum » Sun Mar 16, 2014 7:55 am

My offer was not meant as a challenge. :)

I was only suggesting that we run the scenario together. ANW allows users to participate purely as observers. That way, I could answer questions as you played the scenario. Sometimes, it is just more expedient to run a scenario and ask questions in real time to a live participant than to dig around in the manual for the answer.

To me, it is not about winning or losing; the point is to have a good time with your opponent.

I am glad that you found the HCE Walk-Through video helpful. We are here to help and help all who ask.
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